weekend away

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*lets say y'all are aged up for this one cuz y/n has her own cottage lmao (y'all can choose the age) also lets pretend corona ain't a thing in this

it was around mid afternoon, the sky was a vibrant blue which seemed to match the colour of the lake. the sun peaked through the clouds letting off the perfect amount of light and warmth. i sat on the edge of the dock observing the islands in the distance. the lake was so peaceful this time of day. many people were probably enjoying lunch with their family and friends, but i was here.

i was hoping sean would've been able to make it this weekend. i really wanted it to be just the two of us. when i asked if he was free he just said esteban had already made plans for the three of them.

i was hoping we could've done some cute, cliché couple things like watch the sunset or cuddle by the fire. i guess ill have to find some other way to enjoy the weekend.

in hopes of lifting my spirits i got up and decided to go change into my bathing suit so i could go for a swim. i walked back from the dock and onto another path that consisted primarily of rocks and grass until i reached the wood stairs that led to the entrance of the cottage.

about 15 minutes had passed when i decided i was  ready to get out into the water. i headed down the stairs in my white bikini with tropical leaf patterns and a spotted blue towel draped over my shoulder.

as i was about to turn and make my way to the water i hear a car pulling up beside mine. i follow the sound to see who could possibly be coming to visit me in the middle of the day.

as i arrive to the makeshift parking lot, the car's engine turns off. i look at the car again and notice how familiar it seems. but who does it belong to?

as if on cue, realization strikes at the very moment he gets out of the car. we lock eyes.

"sean" i say, under my breath. "sean!" i say quite a bit louder this time as i begin to run over to him. his arms are already open, waiting for my embrace.

the hug was like no other. like i hadn't seen him in a million years, but also like we just did this yesterday. i guess i never realized how much i really missed him.

"i missed you so much." i mumble into his chest. "i missed you more." he replies as he rests his head atop mine.

i look up at him as our arms are still wrapped around each other, he looks down at me and we just stare into each other's eyes for a moment.  he then slowly leans in for a kiss. it was soft, yet passionate. we pull away, only to get lost in each other's eyes once again.

"i thought you said esteban had made plans for you guys this weekend?" i questioned. "don't get mad, but i was kinda lying so i could surprise you..." he trails off. i dig my face back into his chest and hug him a little tighter before replying, "i'm not mad at all."

"so what do you say we get this weekend started?" he says as he slowly removes his arms from my waist. we fully separate from the hug. "sounds like a plan." i responded. "i hope you're wearing your swim trunks, cuz i wanna head straight into the water!" i state with great excitement. "lucky for you, i am."

word count: 730

a/n: hello all! it's been a while since i wrote anything in here but since inspiration struck, i decided to put this together :)
i was planning on making a part 2 where y/n and sean just have a fun little weekend so lemme know if ur interested in that
oh and also i don't usually write that much in detail but i quite liked the idea of kinda setting the scene with this one because i personally love being at the cottage and just enjoying the view so i tried to make this kinda like that
anyways i love y'all so much! have a great day or night💗😚

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2020 ⏰

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