Point of No Return

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     Twenty minutes went by and I heard a beeping noise. I confusingly looked at my phone.

     "What's wrong?" Marcus asked as I was ready to tear my room apart.

     "Please tell me that your phone went off." I begged and he shook his head. I jumped up and started searching my room.

     "Babe, what is going on?" He asked again. I sighed as I took everything off my bookcase.

     "I heard something beep. Help me find where it's coming from." I panicky said. His face turned from worried to ultimately concerned. We flipped my room upside down in seconds but couldn't find the source.  "I don't understand. It should've been here." I said as I laid on the floor.

     "That doesn't look comfortable for you." He said and I noticed something attached to the bed frame underneath. I stuck my arm under my bed and pulled a small box out.

     "Where was that?" Marcus asked as I got up and showed him.

     "It was attached to the bed frame. What is it?" I asked as his face dropped.

     "Give it here." He firmly said. I handed it over to him. He quickly opened the window and threw it outside. "That son of a bitch!" He exclaimed. M

     "What? Is he back?" I asked as I reached for my pocket knife. Marcus looked back at me with tears in his eyes. Something was completely wrong.

     "That was a bug. Chris planted a hearing device in your room to use your personal conversations for recon. He's known about us since day one. Now, he knows that you are pregnant with my child. He's coming back for blood. I don't know when but it's going to be soon. Get Blake on the phone now! Rose is in grave danger." He said. I suddenly grabbed my phone and dialed Blake.

     "Abs, what's wrong?" Blake answered. I put him on speaker phone as we cleaned up my room.

     "Blake, where's Rose?" Marcus asked. I could hear Blake park his Jeep.

      "She just left to do recon. What's going on?" Blake asked as he could tell something was off with our voices.

     "Get her back home, now!" Marcus exclaimed.

     "Even if I wanted to, I can't. She turns her phone off. I'd get her voicemail. It's her safety net, so she doesn't get caught. Why?" Blake said.

     "She's in trouble." I said.

     "No, she's not." Blake said.

      "Blake, I swear to god. You need to listen to us. They are going to catch her. This is going to end badly. We just found a wired bug in Abs room. Everything is going to fall apart, if you don't retrieve her now. Go get Rose and head over here now!" Marcus said. As soon as Blake heard that she was going to be captured, he hung up. I had tears in my eyes.

     "I'm going to kill him, I swear to god!" I yelled. Marcus sat me down on the bed.

     "I don't want you to get over worked. I don't want you to have a miscarriage." Marcus said as I tried to take deep breaths. He was right, I can't handle any more stress. I was already under pressure from everything else.

      "I want Chris dead, Sabor." I grunted. He rubbed my back as he took a deep breath.

     "In due time, babe. Karma comes back around." He said and I swore I could've slapped him for that statement.

     An hour went by and we never heard a word from Blake or Rose. Suddenly, there was pounding at the front door. We jumped as we heard the door open and close. Eventually, two figures appeared in my doorway. They were covered in blood.

     "Abs, can you grab the first aid kit?" Blake asked as he walked into sight with Rose leaning against his shoulder.

     "What happened?" Marcus asked as I helped Blake lay Rose on my bed. I ran to get the first aid kit out of our closet.

      "I found her laying in the grass with a dead body a few yards away from her. I got her here as fast as I could. This does not get back to Nathan. None of this gets reported." Blake said as I walked back in. I started to attend to her wounds as she started to regain consciousness.

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