Tickets and trouble

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The cop came back
"You're license is fine, I'm gonna have to write you a ticket for public nudity" the cop said handing Austin a ticket
"Alright, thank you" Austin said as the cop walked away. Austin and I got dressed and climbed into the front seat.
We drove back to where our busses were parked.
My favorite song came on the radio came on and I started singing
"I wish I never looked, I wish I never touched, I wish I could stop loving you so much" I sang along
"You've got the voice of an angel" Austin said smiling
He turned down the radio
"Sing any song, I wanna hear you without the music"
Of course one of his songs came to mind
"Say you're okay,
I'm afraid that tomorrow is just too far away.
Fight the pain,
It just feels like forever is crashing down on me"
Austin kept sneaking glances between me & the road.
"you sing my song better than I do" he said laughing
"Maybe we can duet one day" I suggested
"What about today's show? The audience will love it" he said smiling
We finally got back
I got out of his car and started walking towards my bus until Austin stopped me
"No kiss goodbye?" He said frowning
I lightly kissed his lips
"So is that a yes on the duet?" He said
"Yeah, make it a Surprise though." I said smiling
"Alright, I'll catch you later" Austin said kissing my forehead
I walked back towards my bus to shower & change.
After my shower I changed into burgundy skinny jeans and a gray loose crop top. I put my anchor belly button ring in & did my makeup like always and left my hair down
As I was walking out the stage producer announced "welcome on stage, as above!"
"Shit" I said to myself and took off running
I made it on stage just in time and my band sang, we walked off as the crowd erupted with screams
Sleeping with sirens went on after us, followed by fall out boy, then the summer set. After they finished the stage procedure announced "next up is of mice & men!" Austin and his band walked on stage
"We're gonna switch things up a bit, Maisie from as above will be singing a with me" Austin said
I walked on stage and every one was quiet
Austin started singing
" White walls
Filled with nothing
But nervous paces
All around I see.
Something's off
Inside of myself.
I see it in their faces."
I automatically knew which song it was so I sung the chorus
"Say anything, say anything,
Say anything that can make this all okay.
Take it away, take it away,
Take away all of this emptiness I feel
'Cause I will never find another you."
We both sung the next part together

I still hear you in this house (whispering).
I still feel you in my bones (in these veins).
And like the portraits in the halls (can't help but think),
I wish you were staring back at me (but you're gone).
Another you, another you"
As we were singing Austin put one hand on my waist & turned me toward him, we both looked into each others eyes & continued singing. The crowd was the loudest I've ever heard them
We finished the song & Austin kissed my cheek. The screams of the crowd got louder if that was even possible.
I walked off stage & Austin & his band played a few more song.
I went over to the tents to meet my fans
Two teenage girls walked up to me
"Can we get a picture with you?" One asked
"Of course" I said smiling
I put one arm around both girls & I had Jack take the picture.
"Thank you so much!" They said, one of them was crying
I hugged them both and they walked to the next tent
I saw about 30-40 other fans & took pictures with them.
I started feeling hot, and dizzy. Before I blacked out I heard Austin scream my name. I felt myself hit the ground & everything went black.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2014 ⏰

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