Old Friend

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"Dad!" Miracle cried again, she shook the doctor trying to wake him up. He coughed and slowly opened his eyes, he looked up to see a dash of blood across Miracles face, his eyes watered "I'm so sorry honey" he said.

Miracle whiped his tears "Don't worry about it dad" she said trying to cheer him up.

The doctor smiled slightly "What?" Miracle asked

"You called me dad" he said trying to stand up "Lets get outta he". He was able to get up but had to lean on Miracle. Once they got back to the Tardis the doctor plugged the coordinates to Glasgow. They walked into they kitchen and sat down at the table, the doctor cupped Miracles face and examined her cut, it was puffy and beginning to bruise "Oh honey, this is all my fault" he said dipping a rag in hot water then applying it to her cut.

Miracle winced at the touch of the wet rag "Its okay" She thought for a moment "Dad" she said as he continued to clean her cut.

"Yea" he said concentrating on his task.

"Did you get a good look at their faces?" She asked

"No" he said finishing up

"Well, I did. And I realized something" she made sure the doctor was paying attention "they had some markings on their faces and..." she hesitated "I recognized them"

The doctor paused and looked at her with a raised eyebrow "You did?"

"Umhm" she said making her way to the Tardis console. She pulled up a file of a group of creatures called the Ipkotans. "See" she pointed at the screen "Mum and I came across the before. They're hunters"

"Exactly what do they hunt?" He asked

"I dunno" she shrugged her shoulders.

The doctor thought for a moment then started up the Tardis. After the Tardis stop the doctor went to the room and came out with Miracle backpack "Come one" he said. The walked out to a small building.

"Where are we?" Miracle asked scooting close to the doctor.

The doctor chuckled "We're having a sleepover"

"Eh?" She was confused

"You'll see" he said walking up the stairs. When they reached their destination the doctor knocked on the door rather vigorously.

"Why are we here?" Miracle asked again.

"Visiting a friend" He said knocking on the door again.

"Oy! I heard you the first time" a woman yelled from the other side of the door. She opened the door and the doctor smiled an awkward smile "Hello... Clara"

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