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Cameron's P.O.V

I sill couldn't believe they'd sent us home. We wanted to finish out our tour, but our manager informed us, for our safety they were sending us home.

Everyone is freaking out about this corona virus. To the point where schools are closed, bars are closed, most cities are on lockdown. It's insane.

Instead of going to our separate homes,  we decided to all stay together. At least if we were forced to stay at home we'd all be together.

We didn't go straight home though. We ended up making a stop by the alcohol store and stocked up on some necessities we made a run by the grocery store and bought some more beer, and a few more items that we were able to find. I don't think any of us knew exactly how serious this was at first. After all, we'd been on tour for the past few months.

Once we'd finished our shopping we all piled back in Danny's car and headed back to the house he shared with Ben.

I have to admit, I was a little more worried than I let on. All I knew for sure was I would do anything and everything in my power to make sure none of us got sick.  I couldn't handle losing any of my family. My life.

We headed inside and all dropped our bags at the door. I headed to the couch and flopped down, grinning as Sam joined me, resting his hand against my leg.

We'd all stayed here so much, we had our own rooms. We knew where we would be sleeping tonight, so there was no need to question.

Danny came back from the kitchen and tossed us each a beer before sitting down in his chair. Ben wasted no time in taking a seat on the front mans lap, grinning as he did so. The smile on Danny's face grew as he wrapped his arms around his husband, holding him tight.

"Are you okay, love?" Danny asked softly.

Ben nodded. "I'm fine, baby." He said softly.

So Ben was lying. He wasn't okay. He was silently freaking out. He was worried about everything that was happening around them. What if one of them got sick? He couldn't handle the thought of losing someone. Especially one of his brothers or his husband.

Danny sighed softly and pressed a kiss to Ben's forehead, resting against the back of the chair. And although no one admitted it, they were all worried.

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