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Emma's POV

Work has been hectic this week.... today is thursday and again I am staying up late in the office.....jisoo and me are working on the project which is due Friday and we have still a lot more work to catch up on...... Jackson is also still in the office working.

Past three days went with me working whole day with jisoo and ending up at home around 11. Jackson is kind enough to drop me and jisoo off everyday. It's finally 11:30 when our work was done.

"Do you guys want to go have dinner before I drop you guys off ?" asked Jackson coming out from his office.

"Yes that's a good idea....am dying off hunger" said jisoo.

I just nodded and we all went to the Chinese place down the street.

"So how is Eunji?" I asked Jackson while he ordered for us.
Eunji is his girlfriend and is working as a professor. They have been dating since their college days which is almost 6 years.

"She is doing fine ...I didn't get to meet her all this week....once we are done with this project, I'll take a day off to spend some time with her." He said when my phone buzzed with a message tone.

Taehyung : what time are you gonna come home? You come by 11 everyday.

Emma: wait how do you know that I come at 11 everyday?

Taehyung: Question to question is not an answer.

Emma: I'll be there in half an hour.

I was surprised to see taehyung's message. I mean we didn't get to talk much in these three days because of my work and his tight schedules and we fought today morning when he "advised" me don't work too much but I didn't know that he checked at what time am coming home everyday.

Later jackson dropped jisoo and then dropped me off reminding that we have to work late the next day as well.

Taehyung's POV

I saw a car drop her around 12:30 and then a guy came and hugged her before they bid their goodbyes. She came inside while I went to sit on the couch from the balcony.

"You didn't sleep yet?" she asked locking the door behind her back.

"How did you come at this time?" I asked looking straight to her.

" Um? Oh Jackson dropped me " she told.

" What are you both dating now?" I asked hoping that she'll tell No.

"What? Are you gone nuts?" she said walking away to her room right then I caught her wrist to stop her.

"Emma tell me are you both dating?" I almost shouted.

"Why is that any of your business taehyung....we don't have any agreement that we shouldn't date anyone else" she said forcing her wrist away from my hand.

Emma's POV

What is he gonna restrict me now whom I should be friends with after telling not to work too much for my job?

"Emma just tell me are you dating him?" He asked trying to keep his cool.

"What taehyung you are gonna restrict everything that I do in my life now? After telling I don't need to work hard for my job now you are questioning me about me and jackson? No am not dating him just like I told you....he is my very good friend" I shouted at him and walked away when he grabbed my wrist tightly yet gently and pulled me into a hug.

"Emma I never meant you to quit your job when I told you not to work too much...I was just worried about your health and I have no right to tell you what to do in your life but just that I am worried I asked you. I'm sorry" he said hugging me tight and there is concern in his voice.

I lifted my head and looked at him. Then I realised am just taking my work stress on him....he said don't work too much but never said me to quit because he is just worried about me because we thought we'll be friends and he still has the responsibility to answer if something happens to me.

"Am sorry taehyung....its all my fault, maybe it's all the work pressure" I said

He smiled at me and asked if I ate already to which I said yes and then I went to my room to get to bed.

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