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Taehyung's POV

It's been a week since Emma has talked with me. Grandma went five days back and immediately after Emma shifted back to her room. She stopped talking with me since that night. I don't even understand what the problem is...we were both happy.

One call was all it took her that night to push me away. It's like she was in some trance and she came out with the sound of the call.

"What is my maknae thinking about" said jhope hyung entering the practice room.

"We should ask...who is he thinking about" yoongi hyung said.

I smiled and said "nothing".

"Shall we start the practice" namjoon hyung asked and with that we started practicing.

"What is wrong with you tae" Jin hyung asked sitting next to me on the dance floor.

"He is acting this way since a week....where is your concentration and why are you mixing up the steps" jimin asked sitting the other side.

My mind is too fucked up to think about anything other than emma. I am making mistakes and I was not able to concentrate.

"Tae we know there is something wrong...can you please tell us...we have been asking since the first day. What happened" jhope hyung asked. They are all sitting rn with me.

"It has something to do with Emma I feel. Emma is telling she is busy with her work and kept coming late everyday since a week" jungkook said.

"Tae tell us what happened" namjoon hyung asked placing his hand on my shoulder.

"She said she doesn't like me" I slowly muttered.

"What" yoongi hyung asked.

"Emma said she doesn't like me" I said a bit loudly this time.

"Wydm she doesn't like you,when did this happen" jimin asked.

"The day before grandma came. She said she doesn't like me...I thought she is angry with me for something..but that was not the case until a week when she stopped talking with me completely and started avoiding me" I said looking down.

"She keeps saying that she doesn't like me and I don't like her as well and she will leave once the contract is over...idk what to do. I like her. You guys know that right....what do I do" I said still looking down at my hands.

"WTF and you didn't tell us this till now" Jin hyung asked and I can sense that he is angry.

"Why would she suddenly say that she doesn't like you...there has to be something....did you do something tae" yoongi hyung asked looking at me.

"No hyung...I didn't do anything" I said still sad.

"We'll talk to Emma about this today" namjoon hyung said.

"But she is coming home super late every night...half of the days I wouldn't even get to know that she is home. She is also leaving early in the morning" I said.

My phone started ringing the moment I said and it was yunhee.

"Hye" I said picking up the phone.

"Tae why do you sound sad" she asked.

"Um...nothing" I said.

"You guys are coming to the charity event right?" She asked excitedly.

"Yeah we are going" I said.

"Great... I'll meet you there tae" she said happily.

"Yeah okay...I am in the practice... I'll ttyl" I said still thinking about Emma.

"Why is yunhee calling you" jimin asked the moment I cut the call.

"She just called to ask if we are coming for the charity event" I said with least interest.

"Does she call you daily tae" asked yoongi hyung.

"No..she just called twice or thrice..she just texts me almost everyday with a good morning or goodnight" I said still not understanding why the conversation shifted to yunhee from Emma.

"Wait...when did this start?" Jimin asked looking straight at me.

"Since the day she told that she'll be friends with me...I guess the day we went to the awards ceremony" I said.

Jimin just nodded at me.

"And why did she stop talking to you and started coming late since a week. Is there something that we are missing on" namjoon hyung asked.

I sighed and said everything that happened since the day she shifted to my room and how I challenged her including the last day when she just pushed me away when she saw the call before walking off to her couch.

"You fucked up really bad hyung" said jungkook the moment I finished.

"There has to be something tae...she clearly likes you" said Jin hyung still thinking.

"We'll wait for her tomorrow night and will ask what happened...the charity is day after anyway and once we clarify everything we can take her to the event if she becomes normal...okay?" namjoon hyung said and I nodded.

"Okay now let's go practice" jhope hyung said and we all got up.

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