My Best Gift (Neko!Komaeda x Reader) CORRECTED

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Heyo! How have you been?! I hope very well! Welp, as you see, this is the rewritten version of my first oneshot in this book. I corrected plenty of things my younger past self thought were ok but didn't realize they were kind of cringey. 
I hope you enjoy this new version! I'm actually working on the second part. I just need to find a good plot for it. And sorry for being absent for almost 3 years ;;;; but thank you so much for the comments and votes! it means a lot you support these stories! 


(Y/N) = Your Name

(F/CF) = Your favorite cake flavor

Italics = Memories/Thoughts (in the second part)

"Cake time! Come, (Y/N)! Make a wish and blow your candles!"

You nodded happily at your cousin who was at that time the same age as you, lowering your head, you prepared to blow the candle when another cousin of yours pushed your head down your birthday cake, dirtying your face with frosting in the process. This made you upset at them and decided to grab a very big piece from said cake to throw at their face for revenge.

"How dare you?!" You said as you threw yourself at your cousin to start a fight but your mother quickly grabbed your little arm, stopping whatever conflict it could happen. She could perfectly understand though, you were only children. Eight years of age to be exact.

Indeed, this was your 8th birthday, your parents invited the whole family members to celebrate together. The evening was going smoothly, or so you thought until your face got covered in the (F/CF) icing of the cake, filling your nostrils painfully almost choking you. Your mother had to talk to your aunt, finally making your cousin apologize to you, you just shrugged at them and quickly went to finally open all the presents you got.


Hours later, all of them left, leaving you alone with your parents so you could relax together after the troublesome party it turned out to be. You sat on the couch exhausted, closing your eyes so you could get some sleep until your father, previously outside the house, returned with a medium-sized box resting on his arms. He called you to get your attention as you then opened your eyes a little to take a glimpse of a cyan blanket inside the box. You looked at it confused as your father spoke while your mother smiled brightly.

"(Y/N), remember you told us what to get you for your birthday?" He asked with evident enthusiasm as you then bounced cheerfully on the couch, rising your voice you replied.

"Yes, daddy! I said I wanted a puppy!"

Your father chuckled as he got on his knees, leaving the box on the floor so you could go see its content. "Exactly, so why don't you come over and open your present?" .

You obviously couldn't refuse his offer so you obeyed and walked towards the box, lifting the blanket, you tilted your head to the side to get a better view.

What you saw that made you impressed was a kind of what it seemed like a 9 year old half cat and half boy sleeping peacefully inside that comfy prison he was in. He had white soft ears that matched his hair and tail which they were of the same color, his skin was as pale as the milk itself, making you unable to stop staring at him with curiosity, not sure why on earth your parents got you a weird "pet" with human characteristics like this one.

"We just found him at the street alone and terrified. We thought it was a good idea to bring him here as a new part of the family".

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