The year was 2050, mayhem devoured the globe, and World War Three was at its peak. Every country was bent on destroying each other until they were the only ones left standing and deemed the victor. The only thing this war taught us was that the loss of human lives means nothing to people who seek power. Although the war has been long gone, and peace has been said to be restored to the lands, people still suffer.A new government has risen from the ashes and is set on "re-writing the wrongs." They have enlisted a new set of rules to the people who have survived and believe that these new rules will help mankind from making the same mistakes again. The rules are quite simple and are as follows:
Rule number 1: Borders and manmade boundaries are strictly prohibited and abolished. With the help of the new government, all of the arbitrary lines are officially eradicated from the world. People are now considered free and can go where they please. With this newfound freedom the people are only asked to let the government know of their whereabouts. For their safety, every person is asked to check in, and be accounted for.
Rule number 2: All internet use and unregulated information is outlawed. The government deemed the internet as a "dangerous tool" and stated "having all that information could be harmful in the wrong hands". The government now oversees and monitors any information given to us.
Rule number 3: All individuals over the age of twelve are required to work and contribute within a community. There are no exceptions. If a person is unable to work, they are required to pay a fee to the government. If the fee cannot be paid, work will be found for them to do at one of their specially located facilities.
Rule number 4: Each family is allowed to have two children. The government believed that overpopulation of Earth was huge problem before the war. The overabundance of people used most of the Earth's natural resources and caused famine all across the world. If a person has more than two children, they are removed from the home by hand selected officials in charge of monitoring that area. The whereabouts of these "extra" children are unknown.
If a person is to follow these rules their life is said to be less miserable than those who oppose them.
As for me, I am a part of the first generation of children born during the "Peaceful Era". Contrary to what the time period alludes to, my life has been nothing but peaceful. If this life has taught me anything it has shown me that happiness can be taken from you in the matter of moments; I learned that the day my mother died. It has also shown me that emotions are meaningless, and it is pointless to get upset over things you can't control. Lastly, you have to grow tough skin, and build a thick wall around your heart; otherwise, people will walk all over you.
They Are Not Human
Mystery / Thriller"Humanity is doomed, so it's time to let a new breed of beings rule the Earth." Entering into the peaceful era, a post-apocalyptic world is recovering from the biggest war humanity has ever witnessed. A new government has risen from the ashes, and i...