In the beginning

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So I hope you enjoy my first Fairytail fanfic :) My inspiration is Zeref and Natsu. People say that Zeref may be his brother. I don't know was their connection may be but this is my opinon on their connection and also I don't think Zeref is Natsu's cousin. :) Enjoy! Plz vote and comment! Remember this is just my opinion. :D

Somewhere in the heart of the deep forest, a tall figure stood. His black hair softly swayed in the night breeze. His black eyes as dark as the night itself, slowly scanned the surroundings. He wore a black long robe with a high yellow tipped collar, a white, long toga draped around his torso before falling behind like a cape. " The night is so peaceful" the young man whispered softly. Somehwere in the distance, an owl hooted loudly. Suddenly a small, childish cry made the young man look down into his arms where a petit child was wrapped in his white toga, sleeping soundlessly until now. "Hush little one" the young man chastised lightly. The cry instantly stopped. The child had only small features, pink, spiky hair and a serene smile on his light, tanned face.

Without warning, the forest floor started to shake violently. 'An earthquake in the mountains?'The black-haired man brought the child to his chest, holding the boy protectively. The shaking stopped. But the man wasn't letting his guard down yet, something or someone was apporching.

Minutes later, an ear-splitting roar echoed through the air. Animals screeched in terrror, scambling into their burrows, the man gasped. " couldn't can't be..." the man whispered, eyes widen with shock when the massive creature appeared before him.

A dragon.

A fire-breathing dragon. Red scales covered it's body, hugh wings flapped in the air, sending strong waves across the forest causing the trees to overturn. The man jumped back as a tree fell to the ground, dust and wood sprayed the forest floor.

How can they still exist? Dragons were suppose to be extinct when the humans took over. Or did they survive and take refuge in the mountains. Suddenly feeling the beast's eyes on him, the man looked up, unafraid. The dragon stood, wings now folded back, smoke drifted out of it's snout.

"Why are you here?" the man demanded tonelessly. The dragon roared. "Since the humans have taken over our once called home, us dragons have taken refuge here in the mountains" the dragon explained. "It's not uncommon to find humans here tho" the dragon continued. In a second, claws and hot fire was thrown at the man, "I am just passing by, nothing more" the man repiled. The dragon stopped, wondering to trust the man's words.

"I sense fear from you" the dragon suddenly spoke again. "I have no fear for I am a very powerful wizard" the black haired man retorted back sharply. The dragon snorted again, "You're worried about someone, you must have somehing precious that you want to protect" , the man stepped forward. His eyes blazed with anger but he remained calm.

" I am called Zeref Dragneel, I am the most powerful wizard alive" the wizard said.

"I have heard of you, Zeref I have heard you control demons and you are one of the most strongest evil wizard ever to live" the dragon rumbled. "I too am called Dragneel".
Zeref remainded slience.

"Is that so? Zeref asked, elegantly sitting down on a tree trunk.

"Yes, ny name is Igneel Dragneel , I am the fire dragon king" Igneel rumbled.

Zeref nodded slowly. He was deep in thought. "I see, what is your relationship with children?" came the sudden question that made the Igneel ponder for a moment. "Children? I don't know, I'm never had any children of my own so I can't answer your question, Zeref".

"This child that I'm holding, he can no longer be in my care" Zeref said softly, sadness could be heard in his voice. "I don't see what the problem is there" Igneel repiled with slight confusion, Zeref sighed.

"I am cursed you see. I kill and taken lives of others, I don't want to get Natsu involved in this" . Tightening his hold on the small burden in his arms, Zeref's eyes started to form tears.

"All I asked is to take Natsu into your care" Zeref quietly pleaded, the black wizard had fallen to knees. Igneel pondered deeply before letting out a rumble. "I guess I can take him in. raise him up as my own" Igneel finally said.

A smile slowly made it;s way to Zeref's pale lips. "Thank you Igneel, you won't regret it".

Looking down for the last time, Zeref brought Natsu to his chest, close to his beating heart. "Never forget this sound Natsu, never forget the sound of my hear beating, I'll always love you" Zeref mumbled, his voice laced with love and sadness.

Placing Natsu into Igneel's clawed hand, Zeref stepped back. All the warmth and love in his black eyes had vanished completely. "Zeref, when do you want me to-" , Igneel was cut off as Zeref's voice broke in, "I don't want my name to be mentioned to Natsu, he doesn't need to know my existence, yet" Zeref ordered before turning away.

"Where are you going now?" Igneel called out to the departing wizard.

"To a place where I can not bring any harm to anyone not even to Natsu" Zeref replied not stopping to answer directly at the dragon. .

Then just like the wind and stars, the black wizard was gone.


Did you enjoy this chapter? I hope you liked it :) I'll update in 2015 so I hope you can wait for awile. Thank you.

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