Dlo didn't live at his trap, but he was there alot. Dlo moves dope. He smokes weed with his boys. Donte was one of his boys, but wasn't in the game with him. Dlo always gotta have some guys up in here, staring me down. They was in there twentys and sure in hell they better not make a move on me.
Even though Dlo, Donte, and I still go to school, they still act like they don't. Donte failed one grade, which was 10th grade. And Dlo failed two grades, 10th and 11th. I'm pretty sure they don't care about there education one bit, but sure in hell I do.
Dlo is 19, while Donte is 18, and I'm the youngin', 17. Still a kid according to them even though were only 1 or 2 years apart, along with saying that Dlo still tries to fuck me.
I wish I could have kept my virginty intill I was married, or adleast an adult with a boyfriend, but no, it was stolen from me againt my will. Dlo does not know that, but I don't plan on telling him.
I woke up from the bed. Donte let me sleep in the bedroom and he sleeps on the couch.
I yawned and did a lazy stretch. My alarm read 6:30 PM. Donte was awake before me and was already dressed, eating toast.
"Thanks for making me toast." I did not eat breakfast at home anyways, it was just to mess with him.
"Yep." He popped the P while throwing his crust away. Oh so picky.
I packed my school bag. I forgot all about my homework, but eh, who cares.
"Good morning by the way, Donte."
"Good morning bae." He gave me a hug like we was something.
"Boy, bye." I pulled away putting my hand in his face and he licked it. Disguisting nigga.
"Eww, stop Donte gross!" I rubbed my hand on his arm and he laughed.
"Yea, so funny." I pushed his chest with my hand.
"Welp." He said, popping the P again. "Leggo." He opened the door and walked out to his car.
Yes, Donte has a car, but he does not really drive it. Thats why he usually rides the bus. He's too cheap to buy gas, not in a 'i'm broke' way, but he rather buy j's than gas.
I flipped down the mirror in the passengers seat and fixed my hair. I turned up the music and No Type by Rae Shremmured came on.
"Bad bitches is the only thing that I like." I sang along. Donte looked over at me from the corner of his eye and shook his head.
"You aint got no life." I pointed at Donte as I sung.
"Turn that gay shit off." I laughed, turning it down.
We pulled up at school and I sat outside along with some other people.
Ugh. I was so tired. I could not deal. I fell asleep in the bed and plugged in my phone to charge it overnight. Night!
Heyyy. This was short, and boring. I know I know, but I needed something to start off with some juicy stuff in my next chapter. ANTYWAYS!
Do you guys think Dlo and Kayla will ever be a couple?
Do you think Donte will get cought up and sell drugs like Dlo?
Why do you think they are really living in the trap house?

Flight 1
Action17 Year old Kayla Tipton, Lives a painful life of rape and abuse since she was 10 years old by her stepdad. Her dad died and her mom becomes a drug addict and remarried. Kayla's best friend, Donte Cali 18 years old is the only person Kayla has to he...