I woke up and Donte was gone, I took a shower and threw my hair up in a bun. I got ready for school but my Stepdad stopped me. My mom was at 'work' and leaved me with him.
"Goodmorning." My stepdad said, starring at my body.
I ignored him and went on about my buisness, going to the other room. He opened the door and looked at me.
I waved hi at him sarcasticly.
"Who was that guy here yesterday." He questioned.
"A friend, why is that any of your concern?" I said, not even looking at him.
He grabbed my arm and slammed me to the wall."Yes Kayla it does, you're mine, just remember that."
He rubbed my arm and looked at me. "I don't mean to hurt you, do you still love me?"
I just sat there with my knees to my chest crying.
"Kayla!" He yelled at me.
"Yes, yes I do." I stopped crying when he left the room.
I ran downstairs, slid on my shoes and whiped my tears, waiting for my bus.
*** I was walking to class down the hallway and Donte was with his girlfriend, Mackenzie
DONTE- P.O.V. "Hey Donte." Mackenzie smiled.
"Wasup Ma." I kissed her deep, squeezing her ass.
"I gotta go to class, but I wanted to say hi to my Baby first." She rushed me.
"Ite, I love you."
"I love you too."
* I walked over to Kayla, and she was with Dlo.
KAYLA- P.O.V. I was talking to Dlo when I saw Donte walking towards me.
"Aye." Donte dapped up Dlo stealing my conversation.
"Whats up Kayla." He put his arm around my shoulders.
"Hi." I said with very much attitude.
"What's up with her?" He asked Dlo.
He shrugged
"I'm fine."
"Ite, Cool." He started talking to Dlo.
"Dlo, can you leave for a minute."
"What's up?" he wondered.
"I gotta talk to Donte, I'll hit you up later Ite?" I told him

Flight 1
Acción17 Year old Kayla Tipton, Lives a painful life of rape and abuse since she was 10 years old by her stepdad. Her dad died and her mom becomes a drug addict and remarried. Kayla's best friend, Donte Cali 18 years old is the only person Kayla has to he...