Chapter 2

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     We walk towards The Dark Woods, everyone calls it "The Forbidden Forest." I look around as we walk deeper into the woods. It's so beautiful, the trees are finally done blooming and the birds are lively singing about. We freeze when we hear a noise come in front of us. I look at Stiles and he's jaw tightens grabbing my arm pulling me towards a tree. He pulls me close to his chest, and I can hear his heart racing. I can feel him being scared of this place but he tries to hide it so he seems tough.
      He whispers softly into my ear, " Everything is fine."
       I think those words are more for him than me. He looks over slightly to see the clearing, and sighs a relief.
      "It's just a stupid ass deer roaming about looking for food."
       We come out behind the tree, and no doubt it's a deer just eating his daily greens.
       He looks at me, " I make such a great protector, don't I little sis?"
        I roll my eyes, "such a great protector, what would I do with out my knight and shining armor."
       He laughs, and nods his head north "the car should be about a mile that way."
      We start walking again, and I shift the backpack trying to get it comfortable on my shoulders. I look at the tree's to make sure no one is following us.
      "Do you think the rogue are out and about Stiles?"
       He looks at me then around, "what are you scared little sister?"
        I shake my head, and we keep walking towards the car. We both notice the body inside that beated up chevy.
       I look at Stiles, " What now?"
      He looks at me, " We got two options, we either blow the car up or we run in different directions."
       I look at the car then over to Stiles but he already took off running saying " Every man for themselves."
           I take off running in the opposite direction from where he ran away like a wuss. This backpack is so fucking heavy, I swear he put rocks in this shit. If someone comes at me, I'm throwing the bombs at them and running. While being in my own mind, I run right into a guy's chest knocking both our arses over.
       The dweeb is the first to speak, "you can get off me now."
        I give him a look, pushing myself off of him. I end up accidentally kneeing him in the jewels when I tried to get off of him.
        I dart off not looking back. I managed to run into three rogue wolves. 
        I groan, "today isn't my day is it? Just dealt with a fucking body in the car. I wanted to blow it up, but noooo my brother takes off running telling me every man for themselves. I end up running into this asshat and kneed him in his balls on accident. I made a run for it, but now I'm here with you three stooges, can't I just have a fucking break. "
        While I was ranting on and on distracting them I managed to fuse the bombs together.
          I smile at them, "but I have a present for you."
         I toss the backpack at them and hauled ass out of there.
          I see a clearing, and go for it, I see my older brother with his wife Serena. I jump on his back climbing him like a koala bear.
          He mumbles, "what the fuck you doing on my head?"
           "You told me if I saw a rogue to climb a tree, so I did."
            He tries to pull me off saying "I didn't mean....", then a boom goes off in the distance where those rogue were.
            Az starts to growl, "what the hell was that?"
             "The Easter Bunny."
             "So what The Easter Bunny has explosive fucking eggs Zar?"
             I pat his head, "Shhhh there we don't discuss The Easter Bunny's eggs?"
             Well we don't have to worry about the rogue for awhile. Them suckers are in tiny little pieces all over the forest.
              We hear loud crunching of rocks from behind us. Az, Serena, and I see a man standing there when we turned around.


I hope you like it so far, I decided to leave a cliff hanger for you guys. I hope you guys are doing fine and being safe.


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