Chapter 3

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         I lean my elbow on my brother's head when he gulps taking in the Werewolf King.  Az tries to bow but me being a koala bear like I am he can't fully do that.
        He tells him,"Your majesty we all weren't expecting you here so soon."
        He waves off the majesty, and speaks "No need to call me your majesty just call me Xavier, and I had an unexpected call from your witch about a body."
      He looks at me winking. Damn, that King well Xavier whatever the fuck you call him but I kneed him in the no no parts. Mr. X just winks at me like he knew I was talking about him. I make a face at him.
       Az looks at him confused, "What body?"
       I look away avoiding eye contact and two tall males are hauling a Struggling Stiles behind them. I bust out laughing at Stiles.
       One of the two guys start to say something, "We found him running saying Az was gonna kick his ass for being there."
       Az looks at Stiles and gives him a look, "I'll deal with my brother later but we should expect that car with the body. I don't want to cause a panic with the pack about a body in the woods."
      The Werewolf King just nods his head
Az says, "Can you take Zar so I can take my mate inside?"
       Mr. X just smirks, and nods his head giving Az his answer. Az walks towards Xavier and Mr. X turns around expecting me to wrap myself on him. Yeah, he thought. I ain't moving. Az growls, and I instantly move myself to Xavier wrapping myself on him like I did to Az.
       Az takes Serena inside, and Xavier says, "you comfortable, darling?"
      "Shhh, before I smother you."
       He just laughs, and says "Damon, and Derek you can let Stiles go we need him to find that body he discovered. "
        Stiles went pale, saying "Zar knows where it's at to."
        I shoot him a look, "says the one that left me behind.
        Mr. X just laughs and says "you guys aren't in trouble not by me of course."
         I start to pat Xavier's head getting lost in thought not noticing we started moving into the woods. I end up hearing a voice in my head.
         "You alright darling?"
         I shake my head confused, and I hear Xavier chuckles a little bit.
       "Now you're ignoring me?"
      "Why is your ugly voice in my head?"
       Xavier starts laughing and he looks up when we arrived to where we left that beated up Chevy at with that body inside it.
       Rowan says, "How long has that body been there?"
       Damon says, "It smells bad like the sewer bad."
       Derek says, "or you could be smelling your upper lip."
       I start laughing and Xavier pinches me. I end up smacking him on his forehead.
      Az goes close to the car pulling up on the door handle and says, "it's a rogue body."
      Then we all start hearing noices and howling. We all turn around seeing we're in trouble.


I hope you guys are liking it so far

~ A.M.Byrne

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