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Alexandra's pov

This is what I am wearing today

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This is what I am wearing today.

Today Schneider has finally decided to tell the family downstairs that I have been living here. I was going to meet them today. I knew a lot about them from living here for almost two months. I am starting high school on Monday and it is Friday. We went downstairs and Schneider just opened it.

I understood how close he was to them.

I walked in and the hottest boy was on the couch on his laptop and I felt my cheeks heat up a little. I obviously wasn't gonna fall for him. He was probably some jerk.

An older woman that looked in her early 70's was in the kitchen cooking breakfast and making Cafe Cubano. The lady looked towards the door as Schneider closed it.

Lydia(L): Schneider? Who is this beautiful girl?" I smiled. Her accent was heavy. Reminded me of my grandma in Cuba right now.

Schneider(Sch): I have been acting strange the past couple of months and this is my human sized secret." The boy looked over.

Alex(Al): You have a kid?" Sch: No Alex. She is my stepsister. I have been taking care of her. Her mom is kind of insane and her dad died in the army."

L: Oy! Probecito honey. Are you okay?" I loved the way she spoke. It was music to my ears.

Alexa(A): Si, señora. Ha pasando un año y creo que soy bastante buena." (Yes, ma'am. A year has passed and I think im pretty good.)

L-Where are you from?" A-Cuba and Dominican Republic. Half and half." L-I knew it. Your hair is the first thing I noticed. How beautiful and curly."

Al-Why did you hide her from us for so long." A-For my safety, Alex. We didn't know if there were people targeting me because of my dad, so I had to stay hidden until further notice and now I'm good." Al-My mom was in the army. I get it. Just know, now you don't have to be scared." A-Thanks. I appreciate it." He nodded and smiled.

Then a pretty woman in her mid 30's maybe, in scrubs, appeared. Penelope(P)- Good Morning. Oh. Hello. Pat is she lost?" Sch- No Lupe, this is my little stepsis. I had to hide her from everyone for safety reasons for two months. Now she's good. Her dad died in the army and we didn't know if she was being targeted." P-Oh my goodness. Hi."

A-Hola. Me llamo Alexa Ivanna Bacayado." P-Ohhh. Me llamo Penelope Alvarez. Call me Lupe." L-Oh yeah and call me Abuelita. I love it. Pat is family, so you are family."

P-Elena!? Get in here!" Elena walked in looking absolutely crazy.  Elena(E)-What? It's too early for this. You know lots of children my age never get too sleep in because of child labor." P-Elena, I love you, but cut it out with this child labor stuff. I get it. Work or don't work. I don't care anymore."

She walked over to Schneider and I. She held her hand out. I shook it as she introduced herself. E-Hello, I'm Elena. I'm gay. Proudly. And a social justice warrior. So what I said about the child labor, you might hear a lot of that."

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