Chapter 1

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This is a extremely rough draft so please be patient with me. I know there is a lot of errors that I will fix in time. Please keep rude comments to yourself. Thank you again and I hope you enjoy the first chapter of WHITE NOISE
Lots of love- HKN

*Chapter 1 *

I remember every second of the morning my life ended.

I remember being ripped out of the back windshield, thick glass shards puncturing my skin from every direction. I remember audibly hearing my right femur snapping in half as my body hit the asphalt 30 feet away. I remember blood trickling down the side of my face as I closed my eyes for what I thought would be the last time, and I remember opening my eyes 3 weeks later to the beeping of a machine, constantly reminding me I was still alive.

Most of all, I remember seeing the green and beige uniform of a state trooper sitting rigid in the corner of my hospital room. I blinked slowly as he approached me; taking off his wide brimmed hat and placing it in front him with both hands.

In that moment I knew. I knew there was no going back from what he was about to say. His words were spoken slowly but they hit me all at once, they swirled around like a tornado, breaking me apart bit by bit until there was nothing left. For the second time in less than a year my entire world went up in flames.

It was Tuesday, July 11th 2019 6:28 AM

A drunk driver crossed into our lane hitting our car head on killing my parents instantly and ejecting me on the third roll, leaving me wishing I was dead.

My parents were the kind of people who brought love wherever they went. They taught me to always show compassion and love to others, to always be humble and to always try to be the best version of myself I could be. My mom and dad met when they were teenagers. Falling madly in love all at once. I guess that's usually how it goes, right? It just happens and hits you like a brick wall and makes you feel like your chest has exploded.

My dad had a rough start in life, he had parents who didn't give a rats ass about him. I don't think they would have even noticed had he not come home one day.

I never met my dads parents, he never allowed them to know me. His mom got caught up in pills and needles and his dad loved the bar downtown more than his own son. He said that they didn't earn the privilege to know me. It bothered me when i was a child that I wouldn't ever know my grandparents but as i got older i stopped questioning it, i just understood it.

My mother had the complete opposite, Her parents pushed her so hard towards perfection and obedience they ended up pushing her away. My moms parents weren't the typical loving grandma and grandpa that they should have been, they had high expectations and if you didn't meet them, they didn't hesitate to let you know. They were never the read you a story, Make you cookies and snuggle you kind of grandparents. I remember the speech my grandma gave me on my 8th birthday when I kept falling of my bicycle. Her speech consisted of 13 words.

"there is no room in this family for failure child, figure it out". Oh yea, she was just a big ray of sunshine. My mom tried her best to shield me from their harsh words and vile personalities. We were driving to their home in Connecticut for my grandmothers annual birthday soirée when the accident happened.

A stupid party with itchy dresses, pleated pants and a whole lot of people with their noses stuck in the air like they smelled something rotten. Needless to say, we didn't visit often, once a year was our maximum tolerance level.

God I missed her. The first thing that comes to mind when I think of my Mom is warmth. She gave the best hugs in the whole world and had gentle soul with a love for taking care of people. She had beautiful brown locks that came down past her shoulders and honey colored eyes that i seemed to inherit. She was my first best friend, the person i could always turn to no matter what. The person I could always count on to be there.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2020 ⏰

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