First day.

111 10 6

26th December, Friday
9:26 AM

George's POV

I yawn, as I walk in the gas station store. I look around and see nothing in my interests.
I sigh and grab a croissant and a latte, I wait until the line is gone.
'Goodmorning sir.' Says the cashier, you can clearly see she hates her fucking job.
"Goodmorning." I replied.

She scanned my stuff.
"That will be 5.30 sir." She says with a tired voice.
I gave her the money and left.

Today's the first day of my new job.
Yeah maybe an agent isn't the smartest thing to work as, but I get money, so I won't complain.

I got in my car and drove to the workplace.

30 minutes later

I got out of my car, looking up at the agency.
I gulped.

Get ready George.

I walked in and went to the information centre.

'Hello!' Said the lady.
"H-hello I'm George Andrew's, I'm supposed to meet the bo-" I got interrupted.
'Ahh George Andrew's!' The lady said, she looked at the computer, she looked back at me and smiled.
'Second floor, third door.'
"O-oh thank you." I said, softly smiling.

I went upstairs and bumped into someone.
'Hey! Watch it dickhead!' The man shouted.
I furrowed my eyebrows and looked up, seeing a tall attractive man.
He had blonde, loose curly hair.
I looked at the coffee I spilled.
"O-oh sorry." I apologised, slightly stuttering.

He scolded and looked me up and down.
He furrowed his eyebrows.
"Who are you?" He asked.
"I'm George Andrew, I'm the new agent." I replied, slightly annoyed.

He rolled his eyes. "Follow me." He said, going to the boss's office, I followed him, I slighlty had to run, he was like 10 times taller than me, so he could walk farther and faster.

He stopped and I bumped into him.
He turned around and groaned.
The mysterious boy opened the door. "Ladies first." He smirked.
I stomped on his foot and went in.
He slightly winced at the pain, he also got in.

'Aaaah George Andrews, what a pleasure to meet you, I can see you already have met my best agent." The boss said, looking at the annoying boy next to me.

I looked up at him with a confused expression.
He only smiled and winked.

'Also it's good that Josh got you here, cause you'll be working together.'

"WHAT?" Josh shouted.

"Yeah, why?" I replied, slightly annoyed.

"Well Joshua here could help you." The boss got up and went to Josh and patted his shoulder.
Josh sighed and replied. "Fine. What's the mission?"

'We've found out there has been millions of dollars sent, anonymously." The boss said in a serious tone.

Both me and Josh nodded.

"You'll need to get Fraser's help with trying to find the person that has received the money, we have also witnessed a black car driving to the bank, atleast three times a week." The boss explained.

I looked at Josh and his smile grew wider.

Does he like this Fraser guy?

"So we will have to go to fraser now?" Josh asked.

"Not now, first you'll have to find the car." The boss said. "'Its a black Mercedes, the template is in yellow." The boss continued.

"Got it boys?" The boss said, lifting his eyebrow.

Both of us nod and leave.
Alright, let's go to the car." Josh said going down the stairs, I followed him, I stayed quiet.

Why did I have to be with the biggest dickhead?

"Hey pretty boy." Josh said, snapping his fingers in front of my face. I snapped back into reality. "What? Also don't call me that." I replied, groaning.
"Get in the car." Josh replied.

"Oh." I said, I got in the car and so did Josh.
We were driving to the bank, I was looking at the window.
"Hey pretty boy, did boss send you the exact car? Yknow the one we should be looking for?" Josh said, keeping his eyes in the road.
I took out my phone and sighed.
"Not yet. Also what's up with you and the pretty boy thing?" I asked slightly annoyed.
"You see doll, I want the new agents to understand how it is to work with someone like me." He replied, smirking.
I thickly gulped, my cheeks turning slightly pink.

Doll? To be honest it sounds kinda cute and he's kinda cute. WAIT! WHAT AM I SAYING? I SHOULDN'T BE CRUSHING ON MY PARTNER!?

"Ahem, well I don't like it." I spoke crossing my arms.
"To bad doll, you'll have to be with this for atleast a week, or more." He said, slightly chuckling.
I turned away from Josh and stared out the window again.

15 minutes later.

We finally got to the bank, both me and Josh kept looking around for a black Mercedes, but nothing was there.

Josh groaned and layed back on the chair, I looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. "Aren't you gonna help me find the Mercedes, Josh?" I asked, slightly annoyed.
"I'll just let you do the job, doll" Josh replied, smirking.

I quietly groaned and looked at the bank, after like 20 minutes of boredom, a black Mercedes drove to the bank and it also had a yellow template. I turned around to tell Josh.

That fucker was asleep.

I slightly got mad and started shaking him and yelling at him, people outside probably thought I was trying to kill him, but whatever. Nothing was helping! He was still asleep like a bear. I groaned and got on top of him, I sat on his lap and smacked his chest, yelling at the top of my lungs. "JOSHUA WAKE THE FUCK UP!"

Josh's eyes widened and he gasped.
He looked at me and smirked.
"Hey bucko, I know you want me in your bed, but I don't think its the best time right now, also yes I saw the car." Josh said, smirking.

My face got red and I quickly went off his lap and sat down.
"A-anyways, we have to look who's getting the money and photograph the person." I said, face still red.

"Alright let's see" Josh said, taking his phone out.

Ahh okay this is my first chapter so I hope it's good and not utter trash, anyways bye uwu

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