
84 8 1

26th December, Saturday

2:35 PM

Me and George got back to the agency, I took the pictures of the car and the person.

"So we just have to give the photo to boss and he'll figure out the rest?" George asked, slightly running to catch up.
I slightly smiled. "No doll, we will have to go to Fraser's and THEN we will show boss the pictures." I explained.
George only groaned but nodded.

We got to Fraser's laboratory, I opened the door for George and he got in, I also went inside.
"Fraser! Buddy you here?" I shouted.

We heard some noise, George jumped at the sound.
I laughed and messed with his hair. "It's fine doll, it's just Fraser."
George huffed and walked to Fraser, I smirked and followed him.

"Ahh, Josh! Good to see you! And you must be George! Right?" Fraser said, walking towards George, George awkwardly smiled and shook Fraser's hand.

"Anyways we got the pictures, also they are crystal clear so you can get the job done easier." Josh said, putting has hand around Fraser's shoulders.
Fraser laughed and pushed his glasses up. "That's very good Josh, I'll be transferring the photos to the computer, you two can do whatever you want."

I smiled and turned around, automatically frowning, George was slightly crying.
I went up to him and pulled him into a gentle hug, I heard his sniffles which broke my heart.

Yeah I might be all tough and mean, but I have a soft side aswell and Fraser is the only one that has seen it and now also George.

I don't know much about George but he seems like an amazing friend to be with.

"I-I'm sorry Josh." George whispered, clinging onto me for dear life.

"Shhh, it's fine, George." I replied, running my hand through his hair.

He looked up at me with red puffy eyes, I slightly smiled. George looked down and walked away...


Shut up, you stupid brain.


I don't care.








"STOP!" I shouted, I fell down on the ground and started crying. I was shaking. This wasn't supposed to happen. I thought they were go-

"George! Are you okay!?"

Of course it's Josh. Why does he care so much? He shouldn't be. Does he lo-

"George Please Calm Down!" Josh whisper shouted at me, he sat down next to me and picked me up, he put me on his lap and hugged me.

I was trying to break free. This isn't what I want. But at the same this is what I want.

"Please stop George." Josh said calmly.

"N-no. I don't want this!" I yelled.

"Georgie please." Josh said.

I gasped. My eyes widened. The only person who called me Georgie was the person I trusted the most. My sister. She died in a car crash. It's been 5 years since that incident.

I turned around to look at Josh. He had a worried look on his face. I felt the tears kick in. I hugged Josh and put my head on his collarbone, I heard his heart beat. That somehow calmed me.

"You okay now?" Josh whispered.

"Y-yeah I'm s-sorry for acting this way." I apologized.

"No need to apologise, Georgie. I'm just worried about my partners y'know?" Josh said, smiling slightly.

I smiled back, Josh wiped my tears. I looked into his eyes and all i could say was wow. He also was looking into my eyes. I felt my face burn. Josh slightly chuckled and held my waist. I thickly gulped. I held his face and we came closer and closer and so close our lips were almost touching.

"GUYS I KNOW WHO IT IS!" Fraser yelled, making Josh jump up and sprint to him. I was slightly mad Fraser interupted us. We were so close to kissing, one small push and we could have kissed.

"George you coming!?" Josh yelled making, me frown.

"Yeah, yeah hold up." I quietly replied.

I got down looking at the screen, ignoring Josh.
I couldn't look at him the same.

"Alright the person is named Alex Elmslie, all the information I've got from him is that, he is apart of a mafia which is in south of London." Fraser said.
"I'll send boss all the information, so you don't have too." Fraser added.

"Thanks Fraser, c'mon George let's go." Josh said walking away.

"Y-yeah thanks Fraser." I replied, following Josh.

We both got in the car.

Josh started the engine and he was driving me home.

I couldn't bare the silence so I spoke.

"Why did you do it?"

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