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"Why did you do it?" I spoke, looking at him.

"Do what?" He replied.

"Why did you almost kiss me?" I asked yet again.

Josh sighed and drove to a parking lot, he looked me in the eyes and replied.
"Cause you're different, you're different than the other partners I've had. I guess you're just very special to me, even if I don't really know you."

My mouth was wide. "I-i wow Josh, ehm."
"It's okay if you don't feel the same, I totally understand were partners and we shouldn't be anything more than that and-" I cut Josh off.
"No, no I mean I do like you like a lot and yeah we don't know each other very well, but you seem like an amazing guy." I replied, smiling.

Josh looked at me confused, he slightly blushed and looked away, scratching his neck.
I put my hand on his cheek and turned his face to my direction, I looked at his lips and started coming closer, we were inches away until Josh put his arms on my hips and came closer, we stayed like that for some minutes.
We pulled away, breathing heavy.
"So? Are we gonna be okay?" Josh asks, smiling.
I giggled and slapped him on the chest." Of course you dim whip."
Josh sighed and looked down, smiling.
"We should drive to boss, right?." I asked, "huh? Oh-oh yeah, uhm we should." Josh replied, starting the car and driving to the agency.

5:46 PM
The agency

Josh's pov

We drove to the agency, George got out and was waiting for me. But I couldn't go out, my mind was running crazy. Did we just confirm that we're together? did we just kiss? are we gonna fu-

knock knock

I snapped back to reality, looking at george, he looked worried.
I shook my head and opened the door and got out, "you okay Josh?" George asked, "yeah, yeah I'm fine sorry, my minds just filled with stupid thoughts." stupid thoughts, huh? So us fuc-.

"Oh, okay then." George softly smiled, i smiled back and we both went in.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2020 ⏰

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