Chapter 1~Waking up...

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"I admire

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"I admire...your strength..."
That was the last thing I said before I was...murdered. I said this to the one person I truly admired...someone that I...thought would help me get stronger...but...he killed me. I don't understand the reason why he did...I...thought we were friends...that...he would protect me from any danger like he promised. He ended up being the danger...and there was no way I could protect myself from...someone as strong as him. I wish that...I would've gotten the chance to become stronger...that I told everyone the truth about myself, but now...I've lost it...I won't have that chance anymore...and it's all because of him...

Chihiro's POV:

I slowly open my eyes, looking up at...what looks to be a girl with short black hair and freckles. she...? "Hello Chihiro..." she says as I slowly sit up, looking around to see that...I'm in some sort of lab. In it there are pods lined up around this large machine...and from the looks of it...I was in one of them. There was also this large control panel, which I assume this girl must've used to control the machine...if she was the one controlling it. this place...? Why am I here...? I...don't remember. I think to myself for a moment, my eyes widening when I realize something. Wait...I'm...alive?! I...I thought I was...I look at her, feeling a mix of confused and scared, "H-How am I alive...? I-I should be-" I'm interrupted by a bang, looking over to see that the room doors were slammed open. When I see who walks through them, I start to tremble some. This...this can't be real...I...watched him be executed.

"L-Leon...?" I say, making the boy with the orange spiked hair look over at me. He smiles some and looks behind him, "Hey Sayaka! Chihiro's awake!" He yells through the door, a girl with long dark blue hair appearing soon after. Sayaka...? She's here too?! Once she sees me, she smiles brightly, "Chihiro~!" she quickly rushes over, giving me a tight hug, "Your okay~" she says happily. I'm too stunned to hug back, trying to process what the heck is going on and...why these two are also alive. Like me they're...supposed to be dead...

When she releases me from her hug I look at her, still feeling shocked and confused, "W-What happened...? Why are you two-" I'm interrupted by the girl I first saw when I woke up, "I know you probably have many questions, which will all be answered soon, but for now...we need to take you to the infirmary so we can check you over...make sure you're doing okay." she says calmly as both her and Sayaka slowly help me out of the pod. Once I step out my legs feel a bit shaky, but I quickly regain my balance. When I do I look up, seeing Leon, Sayaka, and that girl leave the lab. I'm still not sure what to think about this whole situation, but...I can't worry about that now...

I take a breath and slowly follow. It feels like I haven't walked in days...though who knows how long I've been in that pod...It could've been longer then that. Once I catch up to them, I see that they stopped in front of a door...the girl with the short hair opens the door, leading me inside. I look around some. This must be the infirmary...I sigh a bit and walk over to one of the beds, sitting down. Sayaka and Leon follow me inside, sitting in two chairs that were close by, "I'll be back to check on you here in a little while..." the girl says as she closes the door.

Once she leaves I look over at Leon and Sayaka nervously, "W-What's going on...? I ask, making them both look at each other, then back at me. "We're honestly not sure ourselves..." Sayaka says, looking down a bit. "Yea...all we really know is that we were killed...or executed...then we suddenly woke up here..." Leon says with a bit of a sigh. So...they don't know either...I was hoping they did so I could figure things out, but I guess I'll have to wait until I get more information...

Leon smiles, "But we have nothing to worry about now right~? We're not actually dead so it's all good~!" he says with a bit of a laugh. I look down some. That's true, but...something about all this just...doesn't feel right...I sigh a bit to myself. It's best not to think about it right now...I'm here and alive...that's all that matters...~

I look back up at them, noticing that they both look saddened, "What's wrong...?" I ask curiously. "We...saw how you died and...who killed you..." Sayaka says as she looks up at me, my eyes widening. "Y-you did...?" I say as I look down, shaking some when I start envisioning the moment in my head.

"Hey hey it's okay Chihiro..." Leon says as he gets up and sits by me, trying to calm me down. "How guys see it...?" I ask shakily. Leon sighs some, "Mukuro told us that the game was being recorded, so we were able to watch it on the TV..." he says, making me look at him confused. Recorded...? Who was recording us...? Wait...who's Mukuro...? Was she that girl I saw earlier...? Is...she the one who's doing it...?

Sayaka laughs some, "I know this is all confusing, but we can explain the best we can~" she says with a smile. I look at her and smile a bit, "O-Okay...~" I say, taking some breaths to calm myself down, "So...who's Mukuro...?" I ask, making her smile brightly. "She's the one who brought you in here~! She's so kind and helps us with anything we need~" she says, making me think to myself a bit. So it was her...

"Does she control that panel in the lab...?" I ask, Sayaka looking down and thinking some. "She told us that she's just a helper, the main controller is usually never there...neither of us have seen them..." she says, looking back at me, "But I'm sure they're not bad, we're out of the game thanks to them~" Interesting...I'll have to look into who this main controller is...I may ask Mukuro about it...

"Was Mukuro the one who told you about the game being recorded...?" I ask, both her and Leon looking away from each other. My guess is yes...they must've saw what happened to each other. "I-I'm sorry! You guys don't have to-" I'm interrupted by Leon who ruffles my hair. "Don't worry about it...~ It's done and over with now..." he says as he looks at Sayaka, who's still looking away. "'s all over...we've...forgiven each other..." she says with a slight smile.

I'm guessing it's hard for her to think back to when she was killed...even though she was technically the one who started it. I honestly thought that these two would hate each other after all that, but I guess not...~ I think for a moment, widening my eyes when I think of something, "Wait...Sayaka you saw Leon's execution right...? Does that mean-" I'm interrupted when a screen in the hospital room turns on, startling me some. Is that...the game...?

Leon looks over at the screen, sighing a bit, "Looks like your trial just they're gonna try and figure out the killer...then-" I interrupt him by suddenly getting up and running out of the room, slamming the door behind me. I can't...I can't watch it...I slide down the wall and cry some. I don't want to see him...I don't want to hear him speak...I...don't want to watch his execution. I'm sure that a person who was killed by the one being executed would watch their killers execution for fun...thinking that the person got what they deserved, but...I'm not like that.

Though...I honestly have mixed feelings about it. Of course I'm upset about what he did, we were friends in the killing game, but instead of hating him I just want to know why...why would...someone I admire...someone I trusted...want to kill me...? I want to know, but...I'm scared of him. Seeing him me flashbacks about that moment...I shudder at the thought. Im sure I'll watch the recording eventually, I just...don't want to see the face of my killer yet...

I Wan't to Change~(ChihiroxMondo)Where stories live. Discover now