Don't you recognize me? My love, it is I
This face is mine, but don't you ever ask why
These eyes do not shine as bright
As they used to when I look at you every night?
Don't you recognize me? My love, how could you?
You gaze upon me so intently as if you knew
The darkest secrets I unwillingly keep
Yet you still bury it in your sleep
Don't you recognize me? I want to scream
Wishing this is just a frightening dream
As your body presses against my skin
These lips curl up with a devilish grin
Do you recognize me? My love, I am not here
Even though my hands draw you near
Do you not shiver from my touch
Even with the slightest brush?
Don't you find it eerie
That my manner has been the same but dreary?
Do you recognize me? I pray that you don't
I want you to take me away, embrace me
Give me your warmth, but I pray that you won't
My love, this is not me
Do you hear me? Listen to me and not your heart
Let your love for me break apart
If it means you could finally see
That this woman, she is not me