ch 5 the strange new world

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Gumball's pov

Oh boy just another boring day in boring old Elmore when happens  oh boy... A HOTDOGS STAND and I have 5$ hotdogs here I come when suddenly.


"Ow!" This mouth less kid shouted.

"Oh I am so sorry, um... what's you're name?" I asked this hooded stranger.

"WOAH what are you?"

"Uhhhh what."

"Sorry I just got surprised." He said

"aww he looks adorable." a girl next to him said

"ok who are you?"

"Phil eggtree and you?"
"Gumball Watterson."

"Smiley sundae at your service." the girl next to Phil said joyfully.

"Phred *yawn* Whistler." the other boy next to Phil said.

We shook hands and I asked them this.

"Do you need some help?"

"Yes actually we're looking for a fellow named Zack Kelvin about this height  and a flame on his head oh and a dark blue shirt." smiley asked.

"Ok sure I can help and get help follow me!" I told them.

---tem skup gives you temmie flakes---

We got back to my house and I directed them here when we saw this Zack guy chillin in the room.

"Uh Darwin." I whispered.

"Oh hey you must be that gumball guy I've heard some stuff about you Mr. Watterson." This Zack guy is actually pretty friendly for a literal hot head.

Then I saw something in Phil's hand and in Anais'.

"Hey Phil, Anais what is in your hands?" I asked them.

"Oh I actually don't know Zack found it in an enemy locker and let us see it and in the rabbit's hand those are DVDs that show something called project doomsday and showed that our mortal lives depend on stopping it." Phil told me then Anais spoke up.

"Ok I have an idea the more  disk we watch the better the chance we can stop it." We all agreed.

"Ok what disk were you on?" I asked.

"Number 3."

Anais gave me the one that said 4 witch was a dark blue and I popped it in after taking out the blue one.

---disk #004 new robot---

???: Finally he is finished the ultimate killing machine ok shadowman boot him up.

Shadowman: Ok booting up in thwee... tiwo... uno booting up.

Gumbot: Loading systems... preparing programming... Gumbot active motive kill anyone that stands in the colony's way especially Gumball waterson and his family.

Leader: ah yes a robot that can use its opponents skills against them by just a look besides project doomsday this is the greatest thing I've ever built.

Shadowman: Oh boy this will prove that the gods efforts are useless against us mwe he he.

Leader: this and doomsday are top priority but we need key ingredients  one the Nether star, 2 the chaos emeralds, and the last prism.

Shadowman: Ok Gumbot Time to prove yourself get 3 chaos emeralds and get an oil bath as you're reward.

Gumbot: following command commencing chaos emerald search.

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