Bodies and Blood

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Joey's POV

As we walked, I thought about what Logan said. What's up with him? Maybe he did start to hate us. Or maybe he's having his period, like grumpy people do. I'll let the nurse know!

We walked through the woods. They didn't seem to end. Is school really three hours away? No- it can't! Damn. We walked and walked in silence. Finally I couldn't stand the silence.

"Hey! You haven't said a word to me since we left! What's up?" I asked. It's true. He hasn't said anything.

"Nothing is wrong! Now leave me alone!" he growled. What is his fucking problem?!

"Oh, so how's nothing wrong if you just growled at me?" I asked. Now I wished I had never asked it what happened after it.

"Oh, okay Mr. Smartypants, if you know the fucking way! Why don't you lead it?" he snapped. What! He doesn't know the way?! Are we lost?! We can't be!

"Are we lost?" I asked. Oh, I hope not!


"Dun worry bro! We'll find it!" I said calmly. He's really pissed now!

"Fine! Then you go your own way! And I'll go my own way!" he said annoyed.

"WHAT!!! I DON'T KNOW THE WAY!!!" I screamed. But it was too late. Logan walked onto a road, leaving me on my own. Damn. Just follow. No problem.

I walked to the road. But Logan was long gone. Oh no! I'm gonna die! NOOO!!!

Just then, a man with a ski mask jumped off a tree and stood in front of me. "AHHH!!!" I screamed.

Laughing. Laughing? Why is he laughing? Wait. Why is that laugh so similar?

"Logan! You fucking bastard!" I screamed. Fucking ass whole! I was scared out of my mind! Then he comes and scares the shit out of me!

"Hahaha! You-should-have-seen-your-face!" he said, with laughs in between each word. I punched him in the arm as hard as I could. He smirked. "Ow! Was that supposed to kill me?" he said sarcastically.

"Dude! Are we lost or not?" I asked. I hope not!

"Take a chill pill bro! School is around the corner." he said. Thank god!

I thought school would be great. But then Logan stopped at a huge ugly building. He smirked at me. "What?" I asked.

We walked into the building. Woah! This place is creeping me out! "Logan! Why are here? We're supposed to be at school!" I said.

A group of kids pointed at me and laughed. Then I noticed the lockers. Oh god why? This place is a dump! It's like totally falling apart! "Careful buddy! There's a rumor saying that if you're not careful, the rat king's gonna trip you, and nobody will notice. Then he'll take you somewhere and you'll never be seen again!" said Logan.

"WHAT?!?!" I screamed. Logan and some other kids that heard, burst out laughing. "What's so funny?" I asked shaking. I was so fucking scared.

"Dude! If I told you if you don't keep one eye open on Christmas, then Santa's gonna kill you, you'd believe it!" he said sarcastically. "Not even Monica believes that bullshit!"

"I do not!" I yelled. That's a lie I just told. What if it's true?!

"But he does kill children on Christmas that aren't careful! It's soo sad! He kills innocent kids!" he said. It's a lie! It's a lie! I tried to believe it wasn't true, and just another sick joke of his. But I couldn't. Cause seventy-five percent of everything he says is true. Like when we're watching "A Nightmare on Elm St.", he predicted that the mom would die at the end. And it happened!

"NO IT'S NOT!!!" I screamed. Now I'm scared. Tears filled my eyes.

A big man walk towards us and scowled at Logan. "Boy! Don't scare the new student! How would you like it if it was your first day and you got scared to death?" he asked Logan angrily.

A smirk appeared on Logan's face. "I would join the party!" he said. He put his hands in the air and swung them side to side. "Woohoo! Join the party Joey!" he said sarcastically. He put his hands in his pockets. "Mr. Fear, this is Joey. Uh, what's your face, this is Mr. Fear, the principle." he said pointing at each of us. "Great! Now you know each other!" he said.

Mr. Fear shook his head. "Boy! Get to class. I'll show the new student around." Wait! What?! Mr. Fear?! Oh shit! This man's scary! What if he kills innocent children like Santa? I started to sweat. What if he kill's me?! NOO!

Mr. Fear showed me where everything was. Then he walked me to his office. The phone was ringing. "Go wait outside boy. I have a call to attend to."

I nodded and left. I slumped down in a chair. I was about to fall asleep, when something caught my eye.

A trail of red was going down the hallway. Huh? It wasn't there before. I should check it out. I walked over to the trail. I followed it until a door blocked me. I quickly slipped inside.

I covered my mouth so nobody could hear my scream. Bodies hung off the wall. Blood dripping off of them. Their pale faces full of shock.

A voice broke my thoughts. "Joey? Where are you?" It was Mr. Fear! Oh no! He told me not to go in this room! His foot steps got closer. The door knob was twisting.

I'm doomed!

I hated the ugly sight of the bodies and blood. What made it worst was Mr. Fear was gonna kill me the moment he finds me here!

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