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Krist sat on the first step of the grand staircase that was in front of the theater with his mind blank and being not sure about what to do.

He had just been abandoned or had it been the other way around?

He wasn't quite sure... the only thing that had become clear to him was that Knott had turned out to be a liar who had been dating him when, from the start, he had an official fiancee.

The young man couldn't understand how he hadn't realized before that all Knott had wanted from him was sex. Now, memories of the young man were coming to his mind, memories where the man was proposing him, on more than one occasion, intimate dates in a hotel or in his apartment ...

Krist growled, feeling like the most idiotic of all idiots.

"That's what I've been, a perfect moron..."

It was so clear that it had only been an amusement for the young man, someone to hang out with until it was time to settle down and think about marriage, that all he could do now was recriminate himself.

He had been so obsessed with overcoming the curse that ... he hadn't realized that Knott had been playing with him.

And the worst in all of that was that it hadn't been the first time ... but the sixth.

The young man sighed as he wondered how he always chose so poorly

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The young man sighed as he wondered how he always chose so poorly.

- "It's like my brother says ... I am an idiot who is not able to distinguish someone good from ... from those who just want to have a good time with me" - the young man whispered as he took a small stone from the ground and threw it far.

The faint sound of the rock hitting the ground reached Krist's ears, who simply buried his face in his hands.

It was then that a strong wind suddenly sprang up.

Krist, who was not expecting it at all, noticed how the cap he had been wearing rosed from his head to to end abruptly a few steps from a figure that, until now, had not even noticed that it was there.

Getting up, he started to climb the stairs towards the young man who, half hidden by the shadows, was sitting on one of the upper steps.

He had climbed no more than four or five steps when he felt as if he had tripped over something, and, losing his balance, began to slide backward.


Singto felt a strong breeze and, raising his face, watched a cap drop at his feet. Moments later he noticed the faint sound of footsteps that was approaching the place where he was sitting.

He quickly looked at the place where these slight sounds were coming from.

"I see..."

The owner of the cap was approaching him with the clear intention of picking it up from the ground. However, to the young man's surprise, the boy lost his balance when he was only a few steps away from it and began to fall backwards.

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