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The street was completely deserted except for a vehicle that slowly approached one of the houses in the neighborhood. Inside, two people were talking happily, not only about work but also about their lives and even about their dreams ...

- "I hope you are lucky .. and forget that man. He is not worth it" - Singto muttered as he noticed how the car stopped in front of the front door of a small house with white walls and a light blue roof.

Krist smiled at the young man and after nodding, opened the door of the vehicle and went out into the street. There he paused, waving, until the company vehicle turned the corner out of sight ...

Then, turning on his feet and with a huge smile on his face, he headed towards the door of the house, swinging a bag in which he had several signed shirts and a DVD of the play. Gifts that Singto, after introducing him to the director and the other actors, had given him in disregard of his attempt to reject the gifts.

Krist giggled and, taking out the keys from his pants, entered the house feeling that the day had not ended as badly as he had thought ... not even after being abandoned as he had.

- "Ma, Pa .. I'm back"

The young man could only smile as he let his parents and little brother see everything he had obtained at the theater. His most precious treasures since that same night.

- "So everything went well on your date?"- Win finally asked as he approached his brother with a somewhat worried expression on his face.

- "Everything went well" - Krist replied as he thought that nothing would happen if he kept the lie for a little longer. Maybe for a few days and until he left for the capital for the start of his course.

After all, it was no more than two weeks.

Meanwhile, in a room in the city's most luxurious hotel, Singto was trying to distract himself by playing various online games.

His mind, however, was not on how to win the game and with it the star he needed to be able to build the garden fountain as he was still focused on the brief lines that Porsche had sent him as a farewell.

The young man did not know what to do. Should he keep calling him, or was it just better to accept that he had been left alone and start a new stage in his life?

But how to do it ... after all that time together ...

Singto smiled wryly, especially after remembering the advice he had given Krist.

- "Before giving that kind of advice, Singto .. maybe you should apply it to yourself ..."

Although, reluctantly, the young man knew that if Porsche appeared now ... he would forgive him.

He would do it as he had done it so many other times ... as when he had not appeared on some of his dates or when he had left him alone at the school Christmas party ...

"You are an idiot, Singto ..."

It was then that a knock sounded at his door. Room service had just arrived, leaving the dinner he had ordered in the hallway ...

With a sigh the young man approached it and, picking up the tray, he locked himself in the room again with his food and, luckily, with several bottles of liquor that he had found in the fridge that was in the room.

Sunlight shone through the open window illuminating the room where several half-eaten dishes and dozens of empty bottles were lying on the floor. Singto, lying between them and with a piece of lasagna on his cheek, woke up with a headache and a severe migraine that made him, like every time he had drinks, swear to himself not to try alcohol again.

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