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Krist woke up early in the morning. A slight growl escape from his lips as he rubbed his tired eyes with one of his hands. Finally, with a sigh, he curled up on his side as he hugged the pillow with the firm intention of going back to sleep.

However, the morning light caused him, despite himself, to open his eyes briefly.

For a few seconds his gaze was fixed on the swinging of the curtains that lined the wide window of the room while, at his ears, came the trills of the birds that were in the tops of the trees that could be seen in the small garden that bordered a block of flats.

For a few seconds his gaze was fixed on the swinging of the curtains that lined the wide window of the room while, at his ears, came the trills of the birds that were in the tops of the trees that could be seen in the small garden that bordered a ...

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Hmmm ...

Krist frowned for a few seconds... Then, and because of his still dull mind, he began to wonder when it was that they had built a building like the one he was seeing and how he had not noticed it before until, abruptly, he remembered that he was staying at Singto's house.

In the apartment of the man who, with his arm around his waist, was still sleeping peacefully, wrapped in the soft sheets of the bed ...

Krist sat on the soft mattress, his eyes wide opened while trying to remember how he had ended in Singto's room when, the last thing he remembered, was lying down in the guest room.

- "Hmmm ... what ...?" -  Singto muttered as he turned around, his face still on the pillow, and opened one eye to see what had woken him up.

A minute later he was also sitting on the mattress, looking at the boy's completely red face and trying to discover how he could be there.. on his own bed.

The day before he had proposed it to him, as a joke, since he never thought that Krist would accept it and, besides, he loved seeing the embarrassed and shy expression of the young man any time he flirted with him. And yet there he was ... just inches away and barely covered by his own sheet.

"But ... How could he get in? I'm sure I locked it," Singto said to himself as he turned to see, completely shocked, how the door to his room was now open.

- "Good... Good morning?" - Krist whispered while trying not to run nor hide his face under the covers.

- "Good morning Krist ..." - Singto replied as he ran his hand through his hair - "Hmm... maybe we should get ready and go down to have breakfast at the cafeteria that is on the corner...classes start in three hours. We have time".

Krist nodded without saying a word.

- "By the way... I am glad you decided to share my bed at the end but.. When did you entered?"

The boy flushed even more than before and, without even looking at him, jumped out of bed to... after just a look at himself...ran out of the room and towards the one where he was suppose to sleep that night.

Singto smiled as he tried not to laugh at the situation they had found themselves in, especially remembering Krist's expression after getting out of the protection of the sheets to realize that he was only wearing his underwear.

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