My dedication, my inspiration.

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~Austin’s POV~ 

I really need to get my head straight. Maybe I’ll head out to a bar to hang out see if Tino or Phil would want to go with me. Definitely not Alan though, I don’t want to be around him right now, Not when I’m in this state of confusion and how upset he seemed before. 

Tino finally walked into the bus so why not ask him to go with me?

“Hey Tino do you want to go out to the bars with me?  I gotta clear my mind a bit.” I finally asked. 

“Yeah, sure Austin but where is Abby? I thought she was here?” 

“Oh no, she went to hang out with one of her old friends so I thought I’d go out with a friend tonight, haha”

“Oh, Alright. But what happened that you need to clear your mind, you can tell me you know.” Tino said looking at me with concern in his eyes. 

“Nothing really. It doesn’t matter. Lets just go please.” 

“Alright I’ll call the taxi to come pick us up. What bar are we going to?”

“I don’t even fucking care, Lets just go.” I said way to quickly as I heard shuffling in the back near the bunks. Then I ran out the door. 

~Alan POV~ 

I heard Austin ask Tino to go to the bars with him because he needed to clear his mind when I was getting up to get something to eat. 

Why didn’t he ask me? Him and I have always been very close and he has always told me everything. Even when his ex wife cheated on him. He didn’t tell anyone that he had caught he cheating on him with the guy just that he found out. But he told me about it. He told me about how horrible he felt and how he didn’t think he could trust anyone besides me. But now he wont even talk to me or ask me to go to the bars with him. 

Wow good job Ashby. He probably found out you have feelings for him and now he’ll never want to talk to you again. Wow good job you piece of shit. Woah woah woah. Stop talking to yourself Alan. And jesus christ. You just need to talk to maggie, get her to come to the next show so you can break up with her. If you want Austin that bad then you have to make yourself free for him if he maybe does like you. Even though he doesn’t. But I cant stay with Maggie. She’s more of my friend then my girlfriend. 

~Austin’s POV~

Tino and I waited for the taxi to get to our bus outside. I was to scared to see Alan. For the way I was thinking earlier. He is just my best friend. That’s it. I need to remember that. 

I was so caught up in my thoughts I didn’t even notice the taxi pull up or Tino getting in until he screamed at me to get in. 

“Wow Austin, you are REALLY out of it aren’t you?”

“Yeah I guess. I’ll be fine once I get a few drinks in me.”

The rest of the Taxi ride was silent. We pulled up to a near bar and got out after paying the taxi guy. 

The first thing I did when I got inside was go straight to the bar tender for a beer. But while sitting down I looked over to see a guy I have known for years but haven’t seen in a while. Tyler. After getting my drink he noticed me and waved then went back to dancing with some girl. But when I looked back over they were in a full on make out session. 

Damn that boy moves fast. When they pulled away I looked at them in disbelief. The girl he was making out with had been Abby. And when he started walking towards we I ran out the bar and kept running until I could barely breath. How could he do this to me? How could Abby do this to me? 

I've got my feet on solid ground. (Austlan Cashby)Where stories live. Discover now