Maybe we're just having to much fun

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~Maggie’s POV~ 

Well now I’m alone. But not just alone on this bus, but alone. No boyfriend. No nothing. 

I was just laying here on twitter thinking about how once I leave here I’m going to get so much shit about how I probably turned Alan gay. But I didn’t. You can’t just turn someone gay. But I guess all the fan girls will be pissed and looking for someone to blame now that Austin and Alan are both going to be looked at as gay. And not even just from their bromance but soon from them being together. 

I looked through my phone to all the band Member’s numbers I have collected over the past few tours the guys have been on and one stood out to me.

Mike Fuentes. 

I had gotten his number from a little while ago. We went out partying but I left when everyone started getting too drunk but Mike had followed me, not drunk at all. We talked for a while exchanged numbers and that was it. But he was very nice and he was on Warped with them right now. So why not go and see if he could hang out instead of me sitting on this bus all day. Maybe he will take me to the tattoo parlor even. I mean. they played before so he cant be too busy…

~Alan’s POV~

Austin and I finally arrived at the venue and he turned to me asking if I was ready. 


“How could we miss a show Tino? Come on, not happening!” Austin replied extremely happily. 

"yeah come on!" i screamed. 

"so what were you too doing that took so long?" Phil questioned Austin and I. 

I couldnt help but blush at this question.  

But it looks like Austin noticed this because he wrapped his arm around my neck and kissed me and the cheek.  

"What do you think we were doing?" Austin said winking and wiggling his eye brows.  

but what he didnt know what that i wished he wasnt joking. I wished he would kiss my lips. Not my cheek.  

Alan you need to stop thinking like this!

~Maggie's POV~

Well i have a date with Mike Fuentes. This is going to be wonderful. He seems like such a nice guy i just can't wait.  

The only problem was that soon everyone will know about my little hang out session with Mike and will say I was cheating on Alan, But I’m not! I broke up with Alan. He loves Austin and I want him to be happy!

Shit okay, this needs to stay on the DOWN LOW. But I’m still with mike right now. And he wants me to go back to his bus and hang out with the PTV guys. What if they question me about Alan? 


Last night out with Mike was amazing, he is hilarious. And he even took me to get the anchor tattoo on my feet like I wanted which is amazing. 

He is just so perfect I cant even do anything. 

~Alan’s POV~

I heard the loud speaker come on announcing Of Mice & Men going on stage while I was in my little dream land thinking about Austin. Tino, Phil, Aaron, and I all ran out as usual and started playing the beginning of O.G. Loko as always. Austin’s screams came from behind the stage and then he ran out. I love it when he does that. Waits until last minute to come out on stage but when he comes he’s already begun. By how excited everyone in the crowd was I could tell tonight was going to be a GREAT show. 

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