Chapter Six: Idiotic Johnathan

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   Things the past week have actually been pretty quiet. Jason’s been coming over and helping me out with my studying. I been hanging out with my friends a lot, my mom is still barely home. But the oddest part of it all is that Jason hasn’t been acting as sexual and everything like usual. He’s actually been acting like a normal human being. It’s surprising. “So what do you think the answer is?”

 He snapped me out of my thoughts. “Huh?”

 “What do you think AC stands for in the Periodic table of Elements?” He asked.

 “Uhhh. Air conditioning?”

 “Very funny.”


 “Good. And the number of that is?”


 “Great.” He smiled. “You’re better at this than you think.”

 I shrugged. “Thanks, but I don’t see it.”

 “And maybe that’s why you have a problem with it.” He stated. We were just staring at each other for a moment before his phone rang. “Hello?” He picked up. “You did what?!” He sounded angry. “I’m going to kill you!” Okay. So he was angry. “Bye.” He hung up.

 “Soo. What was that about?” I asked.

 He looked over at me. I could see how mad he was. “Idiotic Johnathan flooded my place!”

 “Who’s Johnathan?” I asked.

 “Taylor’s twin.”

 “Ohh. I’m sorry.”

 He let out a long breath. “It’s not your fault.”

 “You’ll just have to stay here then.” My mom came out from the kitchen, holding a cup of tea. I didn’t even know she was in there.

 “No, that’s alright. I’ll stay with the idiot who put me in this situation.” He answered.

 “Nope. Not acceptable. Get the things you need, and come back here. You’re staying in our guest room.” She stated, walking up the stairs. “Oh, and sweetie.” Oh God, she was addressing me now. “Congrats on breaking up with Brice. I saw how much he annoyed you lately.”

 “Yeah, me too.” Jason muttered under his breath.

 Remind me to kill myself later. “So you’re going to be staying with us?” I asked.

 “I guess. I’m not arguing with your mom.”

 “Good choice.” I nodded.

 He started grabbing his stuff. “So you actually broke up with him, huh?”

 I shrugged. “Yeah.”

 “Well, good. He seemed annoying as fuck.”


   “So, he’s staying with you? Like, going to be living with you? For how long?” Kayley squealed over the phone.

 “Shh. Yes, he’s living in the guest room and I don’t know h—.”

 “Wait. How far away from your room is the guest room?”

 I let out a breath. “Umm. Well, you know that room right across from mine that doesn’t have a door, but the next one down does? Well, yeah.” She squealed. “Oww!”

 “Hanna and I are spending the night. See you soon. Bye!” She hung up.

 I let out another breath. Great. I walked around my room and picked it up a little bit. I’ll be honest when I say that my room could get pretty messy. I never let it get completely trashed though. I started looking for Pajama’s after I got done picking up. The doorbell rang as soon as I finished getting changed into my blue fluffy shorts with bunnies, and a pink tank top. It might not sound like it matches, but there’s pink on the shorts, and the string to tighten it is pink. I ran downstairs and opened the door. A bunch of guys came through and ran passed me. “Uhhh ?”

 Jason walked out of the kitchen, shirtless. “You’re mom’s at work. She said I could have a few friends over if I wanted.”

 “Great.” I muttered.

   I went to shut the door, but then Hanna and Kayley walked through. Great. Six guys, and three girls. I’m sure that’s every girls dream. Being stuck in a house alone with six hot guys and two of your best friends. But it wasn’t mine. Kayley pulled me down a little by my shoulder. I don’t understand why though, She could reach my ear just fine. I guess just to look like one of those little secret huddles. “You didn’t tell me there’d be others here.”

 “I didn’t know there’d be others here.” I replied.

 “I don’t care who’s here, but I want him.” Hanna pointed to one of the guys. Dark hair, blue eyes, tall, skinny. I could understand why she wanted him.

 “Let’s go upstairs.” Kayley started pulling me before I could say anything. We ran into my room. “Put this on.” She threw me a batman spaghetti strap top with a plunging neckline and yellow REALLY SHORT shorts with the Batman symbol all over it. If I bend over, anyone could see anything.

 “I am NOT wearing that. Not with all these guys in the house.”

 “You WANT to wear this when guys are around.”

 “No, I don’t. I’m perfectly fine in this outfit. I shouldn’t have to dress slutty for guys to noticed me. Plus, if they don’t like me for who I am, and only like me for my body, then I don’t want to be around them either.”

 “You’re right..”

 “I know I’m right


     Lmao try saying "Idiotic Johnathan flooded my place" like three times. It doesn't even have to be fast. I could barely say it once XD

     After I find someone who I like to be Hanna. I'll post them up on the side. If anyone has any ideas, please comment

     And btw.......... I'M SO SORRY!!! I was writing in here, I think I just got sidetracked and forgot

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2014 ⏰

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