Chapter 1

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   Steve and I stop running finally catching our breath we see a man sitting and leaning against a large tree, we met this man while running our laps Steve and I kept saying 'on your left that was our first word with the man we said that because he kept running wrong. Every time we say it he'd get annoyed it was funny, I let out a breathy laugh looking at him "need a medic" Steve asked he let out a breathy laugh as well "I need a new set of lungs, dude, you guys ran, like, thirteen miles in thirty minutes" he stated "I guess we got a late start" Steve stated  putting his hands on his hips "really? You should be ashamed of yourself, you should take another lap" he looks away then back at us "did you just take it?, I assumed you just took it" he asked, "what unit?" Steve replied pointing at his military sweater "fifty-eight pear rescue but now working for the VA" he stated pulling out a hand and helping the man to his feet.

"Sam Wilson" Steve and he shack hands Sam turns to me and shacks mine I nod and he winks at me I blush a little "I'm Steve Rogers and this is Elizabeth Barnes" Steve replied Sam bens over and clenches his knees still trying to catch his breath "I can put that together, it's must have freaked you Guys out coming home from defrosting thing" I frown "I'm famous as well? I know Steve is, but me?" Sam nods instantly "oh yeah, you saved a lot of people including my grandfather you were a nurse right? And I believe your husband fought alongside steve the three of you saved a lot of people" I nod giving him a side smile "Take some getting used to, nice to meet you Sam" we start to walk away "it's your bed, right?" Sam asked we turn back around "what was that" Steve replied "i-its your guy's beds, it's so soft, when I was over there I used to sleep on the ground and used rocks as pillows like a cave man now I'm home in my soft bed and it's like-" I cut him off "like sleeping on a marshmallow" I stated "it's like we're sinking to the floor" Steve continued.

Sam Snickers and nods "how long," Steve asked, "two tours, you guys miss the old days huh?" Sam replied crossing his arms I nodded "well things aren't too bad, the food a lot better, we use to boil everything, the internet great helps me out with the modern day" Steve stated I nodded agreeing "Marvin Gaye 1972 trouble man soundtrack" Steve take out a note pad, I didn't know he was taking notes I should as well, "everything you missed cramped into one" Sam stated "I'll put it down" Steve telephone buzzes he grabs it there's a message from S.H.I.E.l.D mission alert, we've been doing this since I recovered I mean I like it but it's tiring, "well sam duty calls thanks for the run if that's what you call running" Steve teased Natasha, another agent from S.H.I.E.L.D originally hydra but Nick fury saved her she's actually one of my best friends well except Steve husband she was nice to me through my recovery, Drives up "oh that's how it is?" Sam laughed "oh that's how it is" Steve repeated "Hey fellas, anyone knows where's the mausoleum is I'm here to pick up some fossils" we look back at her and glared then walk up to her ride, which is nice FYI, Steve opens my door placing his hand on my lower sending chills up my spin I get in and so does he then we drive off.

After the mission was done we head back to S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters Steve stormed into his office then after we head back to Starks tower "night, Steve" he nods and I turn back to my room plopping down on my bed and falling a sleep. I wake up startled from my dream I sit up with my heart beating a mile a minute I hold my hand against my metal chest I look around and my eyes stop when I see a figure move I quickly turn on my side lamp and can't believe my eyes "Bucky?" I gasped he moves his head to the side as if in confusion frowning "who's Bucky?" He asked in a raspy voice then pulling a gun on me I put my hands up in defense I stand slowly "B-Bucky it's me Elizabeth" I walk over to him slowly looking him up and down analyzing him, he looks so different his hair is somewhat down to his shoulders, I look down to his left arm, huh? What the heck.

Bucky's arm is completely made out of metal as a red star sits on his shoulder I reach up and touch it then suddenly I'm slammed against the wall with his flesh hand gripping around my throat I gasp for air he just stares at me frowning then he leans down and hesitantly kisses me "Elizabeth are you okay?" I hear Steve he lets me go and jumps off my balcony Steve bust open the door as it was locked I slide down to the floor I finally catch air steve comes to my side I look out the sliding doors of my balcony, what just happened, "are you okay? What happened" he asked helping me to my feet "I-I don't know but I think I just saw Bucky" I panted coughing through my sentence "h-how, he's dead?" Steve asked.
Bucky and I hide as Steve tries to distract the minions of red skull Bucky grabs my hand and kisses the top of my hand and runs. Bucky grabs Steve's shield as it is about to shoot us Bucky shields us we get blasted out of the side of the train making a gaping hole in the side of the train hanging on for dear life "Bucky! Elizabeth!" Steve runs to us and puts a hand out grabbing it he yanks me to his side I reach out for Bucky. "grab my hand honey!" He does with his hand but he fails Steve holds onto my waist keeping me steady but Bucky slips and falls "Bucky!!!! Nooo!!!" I scream I can hear his screams as he falls to his death. "c-come on let's go, we need to go" Steve drags me from the gaping hole screaming and crying as he does.
"I-I don't know" I replied " we'll figure it out in the morning go get some rest" he frowns looking around the room as he walks out shutting the door behind him leaving me alone in the room. I walk over to the sliding doors leaning against the door frame sighing looking down at my hands my left one has my wedding ring on it, ha I forgot that I still have it Tony and Steve got my stuff from storage so I feel like home, I smile I walk out and lean against the railing still looking at it.
I wait and pace in the dressing room I take a deep breath and nervously continue to pace back and forth messing with my knotted fingers. I stop in front of the body-size mirror and look at myself, I can't believe I'm doing this well I love him I should breathe Elizabeth breathe. "Elizabeth, are you ready?" I look beside me in the mirror and it's Steven I look at myself again then brush my white flowy dress turning around and taking a deep breath "yeah" I replied smiling widely. I take his skinny arm and walk out into the choir room everyone turns around and gasps, when they see me on each side of me, are friends and family my mother crying with happiness. I look straight in front of me and see him, oh he looks so handsome in his tux my future husband the man who I want to spend the rest of my life with, Bucky looks at me and gasps as a glimpse of tears form in his eyes when he sees me.

Steve walks me down the aisle, oh god I'm trying so hard not to cry I don't want to ruin the make up his sister Rebecca did for me, I get to him I smile from ear to ear at him. "you look so beautiful, Darlin" Bucky whispered tears start to form in my eyes " I can say the same thing" I replied we take each other's hands "we have gathered here today on this happy and joyous occasion to join this man and woman in holy matrimony" the preacher started. I just look at Bucky who will become my future husband very soon and remember his face and the moment in this time. "marriage is a solemn institution to be held in honor by all, it is the cornerstone of the family and of those who undertake it a complete and unreserved giving of oneself, it is not to be entered into lightly as marriage is a sincere and mutual commitment to live one another, this commitment symbolize the intimate sharing of two lives and enhances the individuality of each of you" I smile up at Bucky 'I love you' he mouthed.

I mouth it back at him " now the groom and the bride will exchange vows" we look at him then back at each other. "Elizabeth when I met you I knew I wanted to be with you for the rest of my life or I knew I would ha, I promise to be your lover, companion, and friend, your partner in parenthood, your Allie conflict, your greatest fan, and your toughest adversary", this is perfect Bucky's and I sing is playing in the back ground it's a dream a little dream of me by Doris day, "your comrade in adventures, your student and your teacher, your accomplice in mischief, this is my sacred vow to you, my equal in all things, I love you so much Darlin" Bucky stated smiling like a goof. "I remember once how I told you I did not believe in soulmates. I will never forget your reaction. Shocked and a little hurt that I did not think we were, but as time went by, your love made me believe, James Buchanan Barnes I love you to the moon and back I promise you, myself" I replied squeezing his hands with mine.

"James Buchanan Barnes, do you take this woman to be your lawful wedded wife? Do you promise to love her, comfort her in times of need, to honor and keep her in sickness and health, and remain faithful to her as long as you both shall live?" Bucky looks at him than me. "I do" he stated smiling down at me "Elizabeth Kay Marie Curry, will you take this man to be your lawful wedded husband? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him in sickness and health remaining faithful to him as long as you both shall live" I sigh continuing to smile up at him dazed. "oh yeah I do" our friends and family snicker quietly "does anyone objectify this marriage?" We all look around and no one " then by the power invested in me I pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride" the preacher stated. " don't mind if I do" Bucky grabs me dipping me over his knee and kisses me passionately everyone cheers and hollers throwing rice at us I giggle into the kiss, I love you, James Buchanan Barnes.

That's was the best day of my life I married my best friend the guy of my dreams and now he's gone or out somewhere not knowing who he is it feels like yesterday when....that happened it still terrorizes me, I look out onto the city, God I'm so sorry I miss you so much. I stand up straight and wrap my arms around myself going inside shutting and locking the sliding door behind me then going to the bed hugging my pillow and falling into a restless sleep.

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