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You huffed and turned your body towards the window, not daring to even acknowledge Bo. Bo glanced at you for a moment and smirked before he laid his hand on you shoulder.

You ripped your shoulder to the side and away from his grasp, glaring at him from the corner of your eye. Bo rolled his eyes at you.

"Look, darlin', I'll explain everythin. But for right now you'd better cut that attitude of yours. It isn't goin to get you anywhere pleasant."

You continued to glare at him for a moment until your eyes softened a bit. He smiled slightly, seeing you start to come around. You watched him as you turned your body straight ahead, still trying not to give him the upper hand. Bo gave a nod and that same damn grin.

"That's more like it." You gave a small huff at him.

"Where are we going?"

"Just on a drive."

"Why does Vincent have my truck?" Bo paused for a moment, falling quiet.
You narrowed your eyes at him.

"You said you'd explain."

"I know."

"So why aren't you?"

"Because I'm not sure how..." Bo slightly muttered to himself as looked down a bit. You stared at him for a minute before you looked back out the window. You looked up slightly to see the old woman looking out her window at you.

As you passed by it she shut the curtain. You raised an eyebrow at her and turned away. The rest of the town was dead. She, Bo, and Vincent had been the only people you had seen during the time you had been there.

"God damnit..." You turned to Bo, hearing him mutter, and looked ahead to where he glared. You raised an eyebrow as you saw another truck coming up the road. It was Lester.

Bo swore again and slowed the truck to a stop. Lester's truck did the same and now both fronts sat facing each other, just on the end of the washed out road. Lester climbed out first and crossed over to Bo's side, leaning against the door, and looking in through the open window.

When Lester saw you a large smile crossed his face and he gave a small laugh.

"Well, hi again, miss y/n."You gave him a small smile in return and waved.

"Hi Lester." Lester looked over at Bo, who didn't look pleased at all. In fact, Bo even scrunched his face in disgust.

"Holy shit! You fucking reek! You go rollin around in that dead shit pit, again?" Lester gave a small smile.

"Aw, come on. I don't smell that bad, right, miss y/n?" He looked over to you and saw that you had brought the collar of your shirt up over you nose.  Bo gave a triumphet smile.

"Ha!" Lester crossed his arms.

"No need to be rude, y/n." You slowly pulled down your shirt collar and gave a nervous laugh.

"Sorry, Lester." Lester shrugged and looked at Bo with a smile.

"So where are you two headed? Shouldn't she be leavin' now? If she is, I wanted to-"

"She ain't leavin'." Bo stayed silent for a minute before he looked back up, straight ahead through the windshield. He raised an eyebrow.

"Well when will she?" Bo continued to stare ahead.

"She ain't leavin', Lester." Now he had caught your attention and you stared at him. Lester gave a small laugh.

"I don't seem to understand ya here, Bo."

"I said she ain't leavin'...ever." You snapped you head in Bo's direction.

"What do you mean I ain't leaving?"

"Means you staying 'ere, in this town, with me, and you're not leavin'." You stopped and turned to your door. There was no way in hell he was keeping you here.

You pushed open your passenger door and began to get out when Bo's hand grabbed your arm. You flung around to face him and ripped your arm from his grasp. Bo glared at you.

"Where do ya think you're goin', sugar?"

"Somewhere put of here." You slammed the truck door shut and began, walking back up the road. You jumped a bit when you heard the other truck door slam shut.

"Hey!" You didn't even stop to turn around and began running. You sprinted up the curve of the road and into town again. You had to find someone to help you.


Bo stopped and watched you dissapear as you ran behind the treeline. A smile crept up on his face. If it was a game of hide and seek you wanted to play then so be it. He wanted to see you run. He liked a challenge every now and then.

"Where's she going?!" Bo turned back to Lester, his smile fading slightly.

"Oh nowhere far." Lester gave him as slightly concerned look as he tilted his head at Bo.

"But she ran."

"Don't worry. I'll find 'er." Bo turned back and smirked in the direction you ran. 'Better hide, sugar.'


You slowed down once you reached the gas station. There had to be someone here. You stopped a moment and looked around. All the shops seemed to be empty. You looked further up and saw a church.

There had to be people in there. You paused and turned your head as you heard Bo's truck road to life again down the road. You immediately turned and ran for the church.

You jogged up the stairs and paused. You could hear voices from inside. You quickly pulled open the large white doors and ran in. You almost froze in place as you saw them. The pasture stared at you with a judgemental look. Rows of benches were filled with people. In the center of the stage sat an open casket.

"I-I'm so sorry. I need help." You gasped out in a shakey breath.

He still continued to stare at you and you walked ahead, staring at him. You could hear Bo's truck getting louder as he drew nearer. You looked away and grabbed the arm of a man sitting on the end of a row.

You screamed and fell back on your ass as his arm became disconnected from his shoulder. You crawled away from it, staring at the red muscle and tissue inside of it. You quickly stood up and looked around. They were all frozen in place.

You walked up to the preacher and stared at him. His eyes were lifeless. You looked down at the paper he was holding and drew a hand to your mouth.

'In loving memory of Trudy Sinclair'

You looked down at the casket for a moment before you jumped. You could hear Bo's truck shut off from outside. You jumped and looked around for a place to hide. Seeing one, you quickly crawled under and drew a hand to your mouth to silence your heavy breathing.

Wax Heart: Bo SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now