"Okay, Xena"

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*  Small amount of Sexual violence farther on in the story*

*In the gym*

I stepped into the gym and immediately saw my friends that I met in the navy.
*- "Hey Leah, I want you to meet my friends."
She nodded and smiled.
*- "Of course! Lead the way."
We walked over to them.
*- "Aye, Vega! What's up?"
I smiled and we did our handshake.
*- "Cruz, I want you to meet Brooke's cousin. This is Leah. Leah this is Ashley Cruz, we call her by Cruz though, she is a fellow sergeant. Well, all of them here."
I giggled. Leah extended her arm to Cruz and Cruz shook her hand.
*- "It's good to meet you, Leah!"
Leah smiled.
*- "Nice to meet you too!"
I said hi and presented her to everyone the same way.
*- "This is Kassandra Lawrence, we call her Law or Lawrence."
*- "Is Law short for her last name?"
*- "Yes and no. She is the one who puts the cadets in their place. We all do, but she is the Law. You feel me?"
She smiled and nodded.
*- "Vega is the toughest though. She is hard and all, but when she sees pressure is needed, she haves another level of toughness. She is a great sergeant."
Isaiah Cooper added and they all agreed.
*- "Leah, this is Isaiah Cooper. Robocop, as we like to call him."
She smiled at him and he did the same. I grabbed her by the waist and took her to my last friend.
*- "And finally, Clarissa Jackson. She is like the little sister."
We all laughed and giggled.
*- "It's such a pleasure to meet you all."
They all replied with positive comments.
*- "Hey daddy, where's Rookie?"
I gave my flirty smile when Law called me Daddy like always.
*- "She has a business trip, cupcake."
Leah raised an eyebrow smiling confused.
*- "Ooh! Those again?"
Cruz asked.
*- "You already know. Let's start working out, I have to take her to the airport and pick up Shanti at 2."
We started our work out and Leah was always behind me looking and learning, doing the same thing I was doing. She was awesome, for her first time doing more advanced weight instead of cardio and basic weights. I could get used to it. We finished our workout and headed outside.
*- "Do you guys want to hang out later?"
Cooper asked all of us and I looked at Leah to see if she would want to. She looked at me back with puppy eyes nodding softly.  We all agreed and decided that we would hang out at Lawrence huge house at 5.
*- "Alright my dudes, daddy's out!"

*at the car*

I opened the door for her and walked over to my side, where she once again, had opened my door. I took off my shirt and drank my water bottle in a jiff. Someone was clearly staring at me.
*- "For fuck sake! Excuse me, but you are so goddam hot!"
I laughed and stared at her without saying anything.
*- "What?"
She asked with a cute smile on her face.
*- "You are just a whole other thing. I just met you like three hours ago, and I feel like you have been in my life forever."
She smiled and I think I saw her blush! We took off and started talking about the protein shakes and how good they tasted for most of the ride.
When we arrived at Brooke's apartment, I parked next to a very familiar car.
*- "Oh fuck."
I took off my seatbelt and sprinted up the stairs to Brooke's apartment. I come in and see her ex-boyfriend literally yelling at her face. I run over him and pull him off of her face.
*- "Listen, shit face. I don't know what the fuck you are doing here. But you need to get out. Like right NOW."
I stare at him like I stare at my fresh cadets. He is filled with anger and fear.
*- "I am just trying to talk to her Jay. Stay the fuck away of it."
He says tightening his fist up. I get close to his face, so close that my nose is hovering over his.
*- "You don't scream when you talk. And you are clearly doing that. She is scared and apparently recently crying. If you don't want to get in trouble, I suggest you leave the fucking city."
At this point my blood is boiling.
*- "Who the fuck do you think you are, Xena?"
I laughed and gave him the "death stare".
*- " Your little comments don't intimidate or annoy me, dumb ass. I eat mamas boys like you for a living, fucker. So, since you have nothing to do here, leave."
He stared at me wanting to say something but words didn't come out of his mouth. He looked at Brooke one more time and opened his mouth to say something but I didn't let him.
*- "Do you need me to fucking open your ass and scream it there to see if you understand, bitch? If I tell you one more time to leave, you will use your dick as a fucking unicorn horn and your balls will be served to you in a fucking dinner meal. And I know you remember that I do not play, Marco!"
I grabbed his shirt and he raised his arms.
*- "Fine, f...f...faggot!"
I let go of him and he rushes outside. I go behind him and make sure he leaves. I went back upstairs and saw Leah hugging Brooke. I knew he had said something enough to either get her mad or terrify her. I went up to them and hugged them both.
*- "I will let you guys talk, Brooke, is there anything you need me to do?"
She shook her head and dried her tears.
*- "No, it's okay baby, thank you."
Leah nodded and she left to the bathroom and showered.
*- " What happened. Why was he here?"
*- "Since you forgot your key, I thought it was you so I opened. It was him and he rushed to come in. I tried to keep him out but he caught me off guard and picked me up and put me on the kitchen cabinet. He started talking about how I need him back in my life and I don't know if he mentioned something about having a baby with him. He was acting psycho. I literally just blanked out to think of what I could do. So I knew his stomach was fragile, so when I saw he started to try unbuttoning his pants, I kicked his stomach and he started yelling in pain and that's how I got to the living room. But he managed to grab my wrist and hold me. He was kind of bending my arm. I was in pain. And then he started yelling at my face that he was gonna beat me up and fuck me till I couldn't think anymore. I think he was going to do something but you came in and he literally got scared. And the rest you know."
I hugged her and hold her. She was a little shaky, but I could tell she felt safe.
*- "But, where is your shirt?"
I looked down and notice I never put back my shirt.
*- "It's in the car. I totally forgot to put it back. I literally sprinted up here."
*- "Thank you for saving me, Xena."
We laughed and I pushed her softly.
Leah came out of the shower in a nice green short blouse that looked great on her accompanied by a long disco looking jeans and some clear small heels.

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