Unexpected News

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We stood there for a while until Sam let go of me.

"Dean I really don't want her to go. I don't know what to do either." He said with red puffy eyes and red blotchy cheeks. You could tell he's been crying.

"I don't want to lose her either Sammy. I think we just have to be there for her. ultimately it is her choice what happens. It's her body and it's her situation. She did this she controls it as much as she can. I know you don't it, I know damn well I don't, but we just have to be strong." I said looking up at my younger brother.

"Should I try and call her? Maybe apologize to her?" He asked reaching for his phone.

"No, I saw how scared and worked up she was. It wouldn't be the best thing to do. She will come to us when she's ready." I said stopping his hand. He looked back at me and sighed. He wiped away a stray tear and sat back on his bed.

"I think I need a drink, maybe five." He said looking at the ground. I nodded and pulled out two beers, one for me and one for him. I handed one to him and he popped off the cap and took a swig.

This is going to be a very hard situation.

Anna's POV

When my tears died down I found myself sitting on the swings of the playground. I wiped them away and looked at the time. It was really close to sunrise at this point. I took out my phone and stared at my contacts list. Sam's number was staring at me and I wanted to call him so bad. I knew this wouldn't work out and I now know the consequences of trying to go back to them. This deal is final and there is no way I'm getting out of it and having something to look forward too. It's either I end up killing them or I distance myself from them and hurt them emotionally. Damn. Well which one sounds like it will hurt them less? I don't know maybe just killing myself. No I tried that already, it didn't work out all to well. How about distance myself? That could work, maybe? No it would really hurt them in the long run. I could kill them and then visit them in hell? Yeah! No! What the hell am I thinking. there is no easy way to do this. Maybe I should ask them and work it out. That sounds like an idea. But they probably don't want to see me ever again, not after tonight. God! Why is it so hard!

" 'Ello darling." A smooth accent sounded behind me.

"What do you want Crowley?" I asked getting annoyed with him already.

"What are you doing sitting here all by yourself?" He asked sitting next to me.

"I like it here." I said not looking at him.

"Have you been crying?" He asked examining me.

"Why does it matter to you?" I asked sarcastically.

"Don't be foul with me. I'm one of your only friends." He said smugly. I chuckled and looked at him.

"Why are you here?" I asked him.

"I wanted to check in with you. The last conversation we had wasn't all to pleasant and you seemed very distraught." He said looking up at the stars. "Earth is very pretty, well it would be without humans." He said. I nodded and looked up at the sky with him.

"Yeah, it would be." I said with a smile. "I think I'm okay though." I said. He looked at me again and nodded.

"Do you want to kill some people with me?" He asked standing up.

"I'd love too." I said standing as well.

Lucifer's POV

"What the hell do you mean that she was an angel?" I asked furious.

"She was created and fell from heaven just as you were thrown in the cage. Castiel was made after she fell, he heard stories of her but never saw her. I meant for her to find you and the Winchesters. I want her back up here I miss her." My father said to me.

"What do you mean you want her back up there with you?" I asked growing curious. I can tell she already wants to leave her responsibilities behind and go after the Winchesters again even though it's already been so soon.

"I need her to know and I have something I want her to do." He said not going into very much detail.

"Annabeth Seether was an angel, a human and now a demon. And you expect her to just do as you say because you made her?" I asked.

"Yes. I have faith that she will." He said looking at the table.

"What do you want her to anyways?" I asked. He wouldn't answer me.

"I need you to know that I will force her out of the deal she made with you. She will try to fall back into the arms of the Winchesters but they won't except her. Now I normally wouldn't force the humans to do anything but this is a very special occasion. I know that you aren't happy about this because she is your best demon but it will happen. You can try and make this as hard for her as you can and I know that you will try and stop me but you will fail." He said.

"When will this happen?" I asked not trying to fight it anymore.

"It should happen soon. It may take longer than expected though since she is very strong willed. But I'll try and make it soon." He said and then vanished. The talks with him are always pleasant. Not.

Not All Fairy Tales End Happily (Sequel to Once Apon A Time)Where stories live. Discover now