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Sam's POV

When we found out she was a hunter I was surprised. We went back to the motel room and we talked. While her and Dean talked I noticed that she looked very and I mean very similar to Anna. I pointed it out to her and she got defensive and left. Dean got mad at me and thought I was crazy. I'm not crazy. They look the same. Dean said for us to get some sleep and I did... after about an hour of thinking on how I'm going to get her to say that she is Anna. I very much believe that she is Anna. I'm not getting rid of that thought.

I woke up before Dean like always. I showered, got dressed and tracked her phone. I'm serious about this. I'm not going to give up. On the map it says that she's in a motel a few towns over. She's really not that far away. I waited for Dean to wake up for a good thirty minutes until I realized that he won't wake up for a while. I took his key's and the room key, put on my boots and coat. Then I walked out the door to the car. I got in and drove to McDonald's that was nearby. I got a regular breakfast burrito and drove to the town where she seems to be staying. I waited down the street from the motel until a decent hour to knock on her door. I pulled into the parking lot and walked to the door that she was behind. I knocked on the door and stepped back a step. She opened the door after I heard a "One sec!" She saw my face and was confused to see me.

"Sam? What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I came to apologize for how I acted last night. It was uncalled for and it won't happen again." I lied. I know damn well that I'm not sorry and I know damn well that it will happen again. It's just going to be better planned out the next time.

"Oh, it's okay. I know that right now it's hard and I know you miss her. It's fine don't worry." She said with a smile. I smiled back and she stepped aside to let me in. "So, did Dean come with you?" She asked.

"No he didn't, he's still most likely sleeping." I said truthfully. She nodded and sat down on the couch in the room. I followed and sat down next to her but not to close. I kept a cushion between us.

"So do you know what you're going to do after this case?" She asked. I shook my head. 

"No. I think we might head back to the bunker." I said looking around the room. She had a duffle bag that looked full. I saw car keys on the table along with the room key next to it. It's either she's good at acting or she is just Scarlet Tanner. Either way I want to find out for sure. We continued to talk about random things. I wasn't really paying attention to her though. "Scarlet. I have a question." I said once she finished her sentence.

"What is it?" She asked curious.

"If I got Deans approval, would you be okay with staying with us? I think you could help us find Anna and it would probably bring both mine and Dean's spirits up." I said lying once again.

She thought about it for a moment and smile slightly. I cocked my head to the side in confusion and waited for her answer.

"I don't think I could stay with you but I'd love to come and visit frequently. It would be almost like I lived in the bunker." She said with that same smile. I nodded slowly and agreed with the comprise.  She went on back to talking and I pushed away the thought of her being Anna and listened to her talk until my phone rang. She stopped talking and I answered the phone without caring to look at the caller ID.

"Sam where the hell are you? Why is my car gone too?" Dean asked loudly.

"Good morning to you too. I took the car to go apologize to Scarlet. I'll be back soon." I said as she chuckled.

"If your out then get me some breakfast. I'm hungry." He said and then hung up. I pulled the phone from my ear and looked at it. She snickered at me until she couldn't stop herself from laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" I asked putting my phone back in my pocket.

"N-nothing." She stuttered through her laughter. I smiled and got up.

"Well it was nice talking with you. I've got to go. See you around." I said heading for the door.

"Alright, be safe and tell Dean I said hello." She finished as she followed me to the door.

"I will." I said and got in the car.

Not All Fairy Tales End Happily (Sequel to Once Apon A Time)Where stories live. Discover now