One Small Pinky Promise

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     A sudden move to Wardington City left little Runo in a lonely and troublesome state

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     A sudden move to Wardington City left little Runo in a lonely and troublesome state. That is, until she met someone who made her younger years a bit more interesting. The little boy named Dan, who she often played games with in the neighbouring park, was a pain in her butt to put it lightly. He never went a day without teasing her endlessly and calling her 'kid' when he was a kid himself. "The nerve..." Runo would think out loud, while sitting on a stool and swinging her legs along with the soft hum of music of her family's restauraunt. "Runo.. Didn't you say you were going to go the park today, dear? I thought you were getting along with that boy." Her mother asked her from behind the counter. Runo scoffed and pouted like a small puppy. "Don't wanna.." She pondered on the thought, since Dan did say that he wanted to play again the next day. "Come on, sweetheart.. go! We're alright here." Her mother insisted with a sweet smile, to which Runo hopped off her stool. "Okay, see ya!" She grabbed her small backpack and headed out the door after a quick change of heart. "They grow up so fast.. she already has a boyfriend! My little girl." Her father cried dramatically, attracting unwanted attention from the customers. "Calm down dear!" Her mother half scolded and half consoled, giving him a gentle pat on the arm.

Runo quietly skipped down the path, seeing the playground and field was crowded with little children, screaming and chasing eachother in delight. She wandered the area a bit, keeping an eye out for a certain brunette. Trying to be less obvious of her intentions, Runo's gaze attached to a scene of birds playing with eachother. Her small fingers patted down stray strands of hair on her twin buns, as a soft whispery breeze passed by. Just then, her eyes landed on a familiar smile. "Dan.." She mumbled to herself, trying to wipe the relieved look on her face. Even as a child, Runo was a stubborn one.  She cleared her throat and crossed her arms, stomping over to the boy. "Hi.. Dan." The blue haired girl greeted, to which Dan grinned charismatically. "Heh heh, Hi there, kid!" She huffed and gritted her teeth in annoyance. "My name isn't kid. My name is RUNO!" She exclaimed and put her hands on her hips. Dan laughed at this, not caring at all what the bluenette said.  "So you wanna play now?"

"Bring it on!!" Runo roared from the goalie net, her little arms extending to block any incoming soccer balls. The boys that were playing with Dan previously to her arrival, looked at eachother in question. "Won't be a problem, since you're just a girl anyway.." One of the boys mocked, to which his friend burst out into a cackle. "..What did you just say???!" She screamed from the net, huffing and puffing in anger. Her little body was practically shaking in frustration, at least until a voice spoke over the boys' teasing. "Hey! Stop talking and start playing." Dan told them with a bit of a frown. Her shoulders relaxed in surprise and decided to turn her focus back to the game. "Come on Runo.. you have to prove them wrong. You have to-" She told herself before a ball unexpectedly flew past her. "H-Huh?" She looked at the net in disbelief. "Hah! I told you she couldn't do it. Bet she can't throw either." One of the boys sneered, causing Runo to fume up all over again. "Y-You.." She hurled the ball back in their direction, hitting the boy right in the shoulder. Instantly, this resulted in a dramatic reaction. "OWWW! MOMMY!" He wailed and ran off the field, a silence suddenly filling the area after. A small chuckle came from the right of Runo's eyesight. She looked over to see Dan toppling over in a laughter, wiping a tear from his eye. "Man, that must'a hurt! You have some arm, kid!" Runo blinked and then smirked in acomplishment. "I didn't mean to hit him but that jerk got what was coming!" She put her hands on her hips. 

The sun slowly began to set, by then it was only a handful of kids left playing on the field. Dan and Runo both ditched the soccer game and explored the playground equipment together. A small hand reached towards a tall platform. Runo struggled to find a way up when it was easier for some of the taller kids. "Come onnn.. you're so slow." Dan called from above, which caused Runo to huff in annoyance. "It's not my fault this thingy is so high.." She trailed off, embarrassed all of a sudden for admitting that. "I mean, who wouldn't put a ladder here?!" Dan blinked and watched in observation, getting bored of seeing her struggle so much. He hopped down and then put her hands on her sides, lifting her up. Dan was rather small himself so he didn't have super strength or anything, luckily Runo was light enough for him. Runo squealed in surprise and looked at him, confused and annoyed at the same time. "What are you doing, you weirdo??" She wiggled in his grip, to which he quirked a brow. "I'm helping you up, duh!" Runo blinked in surprise and looked down at him. "Oh.." She put her arms on the platform and wiggled her way up. Dan panted and a grin slowly formed on his face. He jumped up with ease and followed behind her. They both sat on the top of a slide and Dan suddenly exclaimed, "last one to the bottom is a rotton egg!" He slid down quickly and Runo gasped in surprise. "No way!" She scooted down as well, only for Dan to beat her by an inch. "I won!" He yelled in victory. "No way, I'm the one who won!!" Runo huffed. "I won!" "No I did!!" "Nooo I did!" "I WON."

"Let's see who won here. Whoever slides down the pole first, gets the choice of game tomorrow!" Runo challenged. Dan grinned in confidence. "Fine by me, kiddo!" "I TOLD YOU MY NAME IS RUNO!" She stood on her tippy toes, her hair practically standing on end from how peeved she was at the audacity of this boy. They both reached for the pole. "3.. 2.. 1!" Dan counted down and jumped down. Runo did this at the exact time, although she didn't slide down the pole at all. She fell straight to the ground, bruising her elbow on the cushioned ground below her arm. "Ow!" She exclaimed, her eyes tearing up a bit at the minor injury. Dan slid down from the pole and crouched beside her. "Yikes.. you okay, kid?" He looked at her arm and inspected it.  Runo sniffled, letting the nickname pass just this one. "One sec!" He reached for his backpack and got a bandaid out. Dan unpacked the wrapping with little fingers and covered her wound. Runo watched him quietly, mumbling a "thanks.." under her breath. "Mh?" Dan looked at her. "You're too quiet, kiddo!" Runo huffed and looked away. "I said THANK YOU, you doofus. I'm not gonna say it again-" She froze, watching Dan press a soft kiss on the bandaid after helping her. Runo felt a foreign feeling of flutters in her stomach, a heat creeping up to her face. She looked at him in question to which Dan blinked. "Mommy kisses me better when I hurt myself.." Dan tried to explain, his own cheeks dusted soft rose in embarassment. "Um..-" Runo tried to form words, to which Dan stupidly burted out. "I hope you don't have cooties, kid!" Her eye twitched and she smacked him on the head. "YOU JERK." Dan winced playfully and then laughed. "So kid, you won so you can pick what game tomorrow." She lowered her defensive arm in question. "..Oh.. yeah. I guess I got down first." Runo looked at her feet and then Dan gained her attention back with an offering of a pinky. Her gaze shifted to him. "It's a promise then?" He spoke. Runo smiled a bit and linked their pinkies, his thumb pressing to hers.

"It's a promise."

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