Study Sessions

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[A/N: I haven't updated in over a year!!!?? Buuuut I love Dan and Runo way too much so here we areeee! ♡ This is a fluff one-shot that can honestly fit in with the other two in this series. I imagined the timeline took place after season 1 and before season 2, but it can be when they're older too. ORRR after the last season! Whatever makes you happy. This is open to you (the reader's imagination!) This ended up a lot longer than I thought.. almost 2k words. It's 2:30am and I'm trying to distract myself from the difficulties of life.. with shipping. THIS IS ROUUUGH >U<]

[This is dedicated to all the lovely people who read this book ♡ Thank you for the love! I hope you're doing well, wherever you are! If you're not, it's okay to not feel okay. Just know you're loved (also by me :3). Be patient with yourself and give yourself a break. I'm so proud of you, for even waking up in the morning. You're awesome! Love you!!!] 

☆~ Admin Diya! ..aka the only admin. 0u0 (Instagram- koalabeearts)

☆☆☆☆☆••• STUDY SESSIONS •••☆☆☆☆☆

"Dan! Focus for once and stop daydreaming." Runo tutted and crossed her arms.
At the sound of his best friend (and crush's) voice filling the air, he was snapped out of his temporary daze. 

"Right right! I'm focusing." Dan crossed his legs and straightened his back. "..So can you repeat everything you just said again?"
Followed by a loud groan, Runo slammed her face down on the small wooden table in Dan's bedroom. "You doofus.. I can't STAND YOU sometimes."
She tilted her head to look up at him. "I get your drive for brawling, I love it just as much as you do.. but both of our parents will be upset if we fail school! If you just FOCUSED FOR ONE-"
"FINE I'M FOCUSING, I GOT IT!" He cut her off with a goofy pose and smile. "What subject are we doin'?"
Runo's eye twitched but took a deep breath to keep composure. She was working on her anger outbursts. "English."
"Ohhhh- no wonder I spaced out, I SUCK at English." Dan stretched his arms to support the back of his head as he leaned back. "and Japanese." She added.

"Sometimes I wonder why you didn't just call... I don't know, Marucho or something!? I should be paid for practically babysitting you at this point! Hmph." Runo faced away from him.
"Maybe cuz' you really like me, so I wanted to study with you."

A rosy colour blossomed on Runo's cheeks as she shifted her gaze towards Dan.
He held her stare and smirked softly.
"You didn't deny it. I mean we have been on a date before."

It had been true. Their rivalry was short-lived, since the strength of their friendship (and romantic feelings for eachother) prevailed.
All that was left was playful banter. Of course, that's something that'll never go away. "Normal married couple thingz", as Julie would say.

"W-Who do you think you are? Thinking you know MY feelings and.. not even stating your own!?" Runo stuttered, which was unlike her because she normally carried herself with so much confidence.
A warm feeling surged through her chest as she heard him move closer to her side.
It was clear Dan Kuso could read her a lot better than when they first met online. Or when they were kids.

Dan could be a dummy sometimes of course, but when it came to their feelings, it was clearer than a rainbow filled sky.

The brown haired boy linked his pinkie finger with Runo and leaned his head on her shoulder. "I.." It was his turn to get flustered as he looked anywhere else but at her. "..might also like you. A lot."

Runo's eyes widened, her lips parting slightly at the revelation. She suspected his feelings but hearing it from him made her entire body flare up at his touch.
"Well, then I guess.. we have that in common." She mumbled the words, which Dan almost didn't catch if he wasn't so close to her.

A Bakugan Book of Fluff: Tales of Dan & RunoWhere stories live. Discover now