Darling, I'm a Mess

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(A/N: Set in New Vestroia, small little twist to the ending in episode 19/Family Ties) 

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(A/N: Set in New Vestroia, small little twist to the ending in episode 19/Family Ties) 

"You should know there's a problem with the transporter." The brawlers stepped closer, anxiously listening to what Dr Michael had to say. "In order to repair the transporter systems, I made use Vestal technology. It was fascinating! They're a scientifically advanced society, despite their views on the Bakugan." Baron looked up with doe eyes, the words he just spoke not passing by his brain properly. "Uegh? Sorry, you lost me at hello.."  Michael got straight to the point, "I took Lync's gauntlet without him noticing. It was worth the risk to get his technology. Then I diverted a portion of the gauntlet's system and installed it into the dimension transporter. So now the transporter is repaired but it will only work with those who wear a gauntlet." Runo gasped softly in response. "So that means.." Dan finished Julie's sentence in question, "..that the only ones who can use it would be Baron and me. Right doc?" Michael nodded slowly, "I'm sorry to say you're right, Dan."  

This might be wrong, but he's all I know
He's all I know

Runo lowered her head, "Oh well then, I never really wanted to go to New Vestroia anyway.." Burning tears pricked her eyes as she clenched her fists, not able to stop them from flowing completely after realizing she would be left behind again. Julie glanced over with sad and understanding eyes, "Runo.." Dan put his arms behind his head, leaning back into a stretch. 

And most times I pretend that he's just a friend
He's just a friend

"Well, that's the way it's gotta be. Sorry, you guys are gonna have to sit this one out again!" He faced Runo with a smile. "So, gotta go! Don't forget me~" A rising anger built in her chest and she looked up, sharply. "DON'T EVER COME BACK!" Runo growled.

Yeah I'll try to make our hearts beat in time,
Even though your rhythm might not be with mine

Quite suddenly, she gasped softly from the distance between her face and Dan's. His expression was stern as he stared into her eyes, something she hadn't seen before. A light rose lit up her cheeks as she felt a soft feeling embracing her fingertips. He was holding her hand. "I'm sorry you're not coming. Don't worry, I'll be back." Runo looked at him in a stun for a moment before a soft smile grazed her features. "Yeah.."

But darling I'm a mess without your love
Heaven knows I'm trying, I'm trying to get by

"Won't be long now, kids.." Dr Michael began to open up the transporter, every word that he spoke being fuzzed out in Runo's mind. All she could focus on was Dan's hands gently cradling hers. His striking red orbs were softer than ever when they gazed at her. They held eye contact for a while. When together like this, they were one. 

But darling I'm a mess without your love

"And voila, we're ready to go!" was all Runo heard before Dan slowly let go of her hand. Their finger tips slid apart slowly, reluctantly seperating from eachother when she wanted them to stay together the most. Her hand reached out into the emptiness in front of her, when Dan turned around to face the transporter. Runo felt her heart clench and she quickly dove forward to gently pull onto the fabric of his jacket. Dan stilled and turned his face to see Runo's expression. In realization of what she had done, her cheeks slowly reddened to the shade of Drago's scales. They stayed like that for a moment before she lifted her gaze to see Dan in front of her, once again. This time, it was close enough for their noses to graze eachother. Runo didn't move away and neither did he. 

All I need is one more goodbye kiss

Dan gently lifted her chin, to which her eyes widened slightly in surprise. His breath hitched in nerves before he pressed a soft feathery kiss on her lips. Runo stubborness to not admit her feelings, melted away like a lit candlelight right in that moment. Gently gripping onto his jacket, she gently kissed him in return. The butterflies nestled their way into both of their stomachs as they embraced eachother, with no care in the world of who was watching. 

Your lips on this
'Cause they're all I know
I can't let you go

Their lips slowly pulled apart and grazed eachother lightly. Dan grinned a bit, "I haven't even left yet and you already miss me." Runo looked into his eyes with a stern gaze. "YOU-" She felt his warm lips on her forehead and paused between her words, watching him as he turned and walked towards Baron. They both headed towards the transporter and halted in front of it. Dan turned his head slightly and smiled towards Runo's stunned figure. "See ya." Her eyes slowly teared up, a soft smile curling its way onto her lips as she whispered, "doofus.."

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