Chapter 1- 𝘌𝘹𝘤𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘮𝘦?

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Authors Note: sorryyy- the chapters will probably be short-



"Brett wake up!" the boy suddenly woke up. "Shit- sorry.. I overslept" Brett said, looking up at his friend, Hilary. "We have a concert, we can't do this without you, our concertmaster!" Hilary said. "Aish.. I'm sorry.. I just felt tired.." Brett said, looking down. "It doesn't matter, I'll buy you some bubble tea later on don't worry, deal?" Hilary said. Brett immediately sprang up. "Deal"

Hilary walked out of Brett's practice room and Brett quickly became nervous. "Crap.. I didn't practice.." Brett sighed and used the final minute to practice.

When it was time, Brett walked onto stage and got ready to perform with the others, the soloist, Hilary,  playing her piece. Brett felt as if he might pass out soon due to exhaustion.  Brett stayed up last night listening to pieces instead of practicing on accident.

Suddenly, he felt his bow slip out of his hand and Brett felt as if his heart would jump out of his chest. His bow fell to the ground and it felt as if it has been over a minute. Brett immediately bent down and picked it up, freaking out on where to start. He felt himself going insane. Going crazy. Hilary noticed and felt bad, she decided to speak with him after the concert.

Thankfully, he survived through the concert and made his way back to his practice room and cursed at himself multiple times. "How could my bow slip out of my hand?!" "Brett you are so bad at playing!" "Practice more!" "Sleeping pills" "you absolutely su-" his thoughts were cut off by Hilary entering the room. "You alright, Brett?" She asked. "Yeah.. just stressed.." Brett said, looking down at the floor. "Come one, let's go buy your bubble tea" Hilary said with a smile, Brett looked up at her and smiled as well, following her out.

Once they got to the bubble tea shop, they ordered their bubble tea of course. After a while of talking and talking, Hilary decided to leave because she needed to practice. "Sorry Brett! I swear we can hang out more often!" She said.  "Alright! Bye Hilary!" Brett said with a smile, Hilary smiled at him and left.

Brett continued to drink his bubble tea, never noticing a man looking at him. He was scrolling through his phone, reading about sudden murders happening. "Oh damn.." Brett  whispered to himself, quietly. "May I sit here?" A man said.

Brett's POV-

"May I sit here?" I heard a man say. I looked up at him confused. "Excuse me?" I said, looking at him. He cleared his throat and repeated what he said. "May I. Sit here." He said.

I looked at the taller man, he was quite handsome I might say. "Sure, no one is sitting there anyways, " I said, smiling slightly.

"I can see that.. I just wanted to make sure.." the man said. He had a nice, soothing voice, a nice body structure to me as well. "May I ask what your name is?" The man asked me. "Brett, and you?" I replied.

"Eddy, nice to meet you." He put out his hand for me to shake and I politely shook his hand, grinning a bit. "Nice to meet you too, Eddy." I simply said, wanting to look my best for a stranger. I want to seem perfect. I just don't feel perfect.

Eddy's POV-

So.. this must be the next one I'm supposed to kill. Again.. humans are stupid. They'll fall for any acts of kindness. This should be simple, right?

This will be easy. He's already falling for it. "So.. are you free later on?" I asked, looking at him, innocently.  He looked a bit skeptical but answered anyways.

"No, sorry, I have to practice for my next concert this week. I can't disappoint any of my colleagues" he said. I looked at him quite surprised. "You play an instrument?" I asked. "Violin" he said. "I'm the concertmaster of Chicago's symphony orchestra.  " he exclaimed. I was still surprised.  Nobody I've ever killed played a violin, like me.
Nobody's POV-

Brett looked at Eddy. "Is something wrong?" He asked. Eddy immediately shook his head. "No! I'm just.. surprised.. nobody I've ever met played a violin. " Eddy said. "Omigod you play violin too? That's amazing!" Brett said, smiling. Eddy looked at him and smiled, making Brett slightly blush.
"Sorry.. I really have to get going home now.. sorry Eddy." Brett slightly pouted. Eddy shook his head. "It's fine, I can stop by at your concert, when is it?" Eddy asked.

"O-Oh.. it's on Friday!" Brett tried his best not to make eye contact. Eddy looked at him and nodded. "I'll make sure to come, don't worry." Eddy said, suddenly pulling Brett in for a hug.

Brett surprisingly hugged him back but eventually pulled away "alright, see you there then." Brett smiled and grabbed his things and left.

Eddy smiled to himself, putting his hand on his chest where Brett had  pressed against him during the hug, ( of course they pressed against eachother lmao ).

"Shit.. what am I doing.." Eddy suddenly snapped out of it and looked at the door where Brett had left. "This will be harder from what I expected.."
. T.B.C

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