Chapter 13 - Hello Again

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(This chapter might cause some trigger warnings, sorry if it does! )

Brett pulled away the bottle from his mouth. He had been drinking away his pain for the past 2 weeks.

His colleagues were extremely worried about him, but Brett was too broken to ever care.

Today, Brett passed out while at a Cafe. He wasn't sure who took him home, but somehow he was home.

"You're awake," a voice said.

Brett looked up from the bottle he was holding.

"What?-" Brett was cut off.

"You may only drink when you're out partying, " the voice said.

"Who are you to say what I'm supposed to d-" he was cut off once again

"That Edd boy said Hi." Mitchel said.

Brett's eyes lightened up as soon as he heard the word 'Edd'. "Eddy? How do you even kn-"

"Because I'm Mitchel. Mitchel Cave. Your best friend." He said.

Brett didn't look at Mitchel, he simply sat up and looked at the floor.

He began to tear up once again, he missed Eddy so much.

It was so painful for him to leave Eddy. He wanted to run back to Eddy, but he knew he couldn't.

Mitchel simply hugged Brett, holding him close. "Listen.. That Edd boy didn't deserve you." He said.

Brett looked up at Mitchel. "W-What?"

Mitchel ran his hand through Brett's hair. "He didn't deserve such an angel. Especially even after killing your loved ones." Mitchel said.

Brett stayed silent, not wanting to say anything. No matter what Mitchel said, Brett still loved Eddy deep down.

Mitchel sighed and pulled Brett down onto the bed with him, holding him close.

"I'll make sure to be there for you. At all times and to never betray you. Don't forget about that." Mitchel said.

Brett nodded and clinged onto Mitchel, holding him close.

And like that. Brett and Mitchel became extremely good friends. Well, they already were but like.. Even closer.

Brett's colleagues saw Brett's mood take an extreme turn, he was now energetic and always happy.

Mitchel was thing about asking Brett out, but he knew Brett was still waiting for Eddy.

Or was he.

Brett was starting to calm down on Eddy. He stopped crying about him and stopped talking about him.

The thing that hit him the most was knowing that he killed his best friend.

One day, Mitchel invited Brett to come party with him.

Brett agreed to come with him because he was in a good mood that day.

Little did he know, his mood would take a twist.


Eddy sighed as the policemen observed him. "Is there something wrong with me?" He asked.

The policemen looked at him. "Nothing, you're just crazy." They said.

Eddy shrugged and looked back at them. "Please.. I just really want to leave this place.." Eddy said.

A policeman laughed. "They all say that." He said. Eddy rolled his eyes. "If I give you half of my life, will you let me go?" He asked.

The policemen looked at Eddy. "Are you down to make such a trade?" They asked him.

Eddy looked at them, straight in the eyes. The policemen looked at each other and nodded.


Eddy walked out of the police station and immediately started heading for Brett's apartment.

Eddy was surprised to find that nobody was living in the place now.

"How so.." Eddy asked himself.

He started exploring, trying to see if he could smell Brett anywhere.

He found the scent. "This is it.." he told himself.

Eddy looked through the windows, his eyes widening once he found Brett and Mitchel hugging.

Brett was giggling a bit, holding onto Mitchel and sitting in his lap.. Although he was outside, he could hear what they were saying.

"You're so cute~ now c'mon, we have to get going to the club." Mitchel said.

Brett nodded and got off of him, gathering his things.

At this point, Brett and Mitchel we're dating. Brett was clingy because he was afraid he would lose him as well.

Eddy was angered by this, of course. He stormed off and went to the club they were going to, he had a plan.

This time, it wouldn't involve death. It would involve expressing anger towards the only person he had ever loved.


Mitchel and Brett arrived soon after Eddy did and they went to go get some drinks. Eddy sat a seat away from Brett, his head facing down so nobody could see his face.

Mitchel was suspicious at first, but he figured it was somebody who had drank too much.

Mitchel ordered a shit ton of drinks for both of them and drank most of them in one go.

Brett was drinking way less than he was. He only had like one shot and thats all.

When neither of them were looking, Eddy spiked Brett's drink. Eddy immediately walked away once he did so.

Brett sipped his drink and felt weird after like 3 minutes. He looked around and realized he was alone.

He walked around to look for Mitchel. Brett found Mitchel on the dance floor, dancing.

Brett smiled and started walking closer. His smile immediately disappeared once he saw that Mitchel was dancing with another girl.

He ran away and into the 'cool' section of the place by accident, it was for people who rented rooms if they were ever thinking about 'hitting it' if you know what I mean 😉.

Brett wiped away his tears and felt himself starting to go limp. "What did I drink.." he said to himself.

Brett looked up as soon as he saw somebody standing over him.

"Hu-" Brett was cut off before he could finish his sentence. The person grabbed him by his wrists and took him with him.

He was thrown onto a bed, Brett's body was burning. "You hurt me, Brett Yang." The person said.

Brett looked at the person, trying to see who it was. "Edd-" he was cut off once again.

The person started to roughly mark Brett's neck, never being gentle at all.

Brett surprisingly loved it, he knew who the person was by just feeling the touch of their lips.

He knew exactly who they belonged to.
Eddy Chen. The person ripped off Brett's clothes and then took off his.

Brett just looked at him, his head was killing him at this point.

"I hope you never forget who I am." Eddy said, roughly choking Brett while inserting himself into him roughly.

Brett groaned in pain but suddenly- everything went black.
(Sorry if I had any spelling errors-)

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