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A/N :  OMG GUYS!! heyyy , it's been a really long time , my bad . I don't exactly have a reason to why i wasn't updating  , but let's just say things happen and im so sorryyyy 😔 , i'll try to update weekly....with everything going on globally i decided to write a chapter on how the avengers are coping up with quarantine , im sure all of you are pretty bored too . But the situation of the world isn't to be taken lightly , im only doing this chapter for entertainment and fun , i thought that it'd be funny to imagine how the avengers handle quarantine . I , too am in a country which is infected , but it's not serious here as it is in other countries...hope all of you are okay , stay home and stay safe 💖 💖 also , i know it's been almost a year that...that Iron Man is no more , but i can't bear to make a chapter without him 😭😭 , let's just forget that ever happened , 

Now without further ado , let's get into the story--- ( extra long chapter for u guys )

¬ . Avengers are in quarantine , let's see how they are doing .¬

Y/n invited Peter , Tony  , Steve , Natasha , Thor , Clint and Wanda

Peter joined

Tony joined

Steve joined

Natasha joined

Thor joined

Wanda joined 


Y/n : OMG guyssss , im so bored looking at all your stupid faces 😫

Tony : Stupid? uh huh , look at my facial hair!! it's growing pretty well

Nat : 🙄

Pete : guys! i think im getting a stache !!!🤗

Thor : What about my facial hair?

Steve : I prefer a clean shave...

Wanda : Can we quit talking about facial hair? honestly 😣

Clint : Wht bout' me i h-

Y/n : I actually prefer clean shave too....but tony would look rlly weird without his facial hair

Tony : Aww thanks 😘

Wanda : Quarantine has made Y/n nice y'all 

Pete : *Mind blown *

Thor : I don't quite understand?

Nat : We need to make some rules here

Y/n : Why?? 🤔

Steve : I think we all know why....

Clint : Ooh i get wht ur saying , it's the prank war huh?

Pete : WHT???

Nat : Wait...prank war? I was not going to talk about that.....unless....WAIT THERE IS A PRANKWAR?!?!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Tony : Just a quick FYI , not my fault 😪

Wanda : 🙄

Y/n : Wtf is going on? Clinty arrow stfu 😣                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Pete : Clinty arrow?? 😅😂

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