Feels like Home Chapter 3

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P.S. I promise the story and the writing will get better as well as the sketches...

Mostly fluff & little to no angst

This chapter would be about Five staying at Y/N's place for the meantime until the next day which is a Sunday so yeh...
this is gonna be long.
Without further ado let us begin


My memory was still a bit hazy from sleeping at his back while he carried me, all I can remember was saying 'thanks'. So I unlocked the door and opened the lights inside the cabin, I realized Five didn't come in so I asked 'aren't you coming?' I looked at him while I yawned, I had a really good dream where I hear a gentle voice singing to me and it was like the sky just kissed my forehead and whispered to my ears words of comfort not only that Five is stronger than he looks and he's really comfy like a big cloud of whipped cream. I just wanna snuggle with him forever, he's kind and caring, I wonder if we would be great together?, WAIT what are you thinking Y/N he probably already likes someone or someone likes him, it's better to just shove it down like how you shove the pain down. I mean come on who would like you seriously?, I scoffed aloud and Five heard this and said "what are you thinking about angel?" Shit! Why did I do that, I guess I'm just not used to having company. After all old habits do die hard, "oh- um- I just realized that this is the first time I have someone else in the cabin I guess." I gave him a weak smile and he gave me a 'don't lie to me' face and just left it there. Whew that was close can't let him knowing my feelings about him, and why does he call me angel... I'll ask him "hey um Five?" Five simply hummed and I continued my question "why do you call me angel?" I'm already blushing a bit and he answered "cause you are one." With a sincere smile on his face and I stuttered "o-oh, um, thanks?" Damn Y/N you're so smooth, then he replied "my pleasure angel." he kissed my temple and I giggled a bit. It was short but perfect then he started rambling while we were both blushing madly "Oh my god I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to do that, I mean well I did but I might be moving to fast after all we've only been best friends for a couple of hours, even so we already know quite a lot about each other and I just really like- no I mean love you since I saw you at the shop cause you were just so amazing and I'll understand if you don't feel the same, I just-" I cut him off by kissing his temple as well and said still blushing with a big smile "it's okay, you've been so kind and I also liked you since the time we talked in the shop I guess I just kept pushing it down but do know that I also love you too. And now we're even" I looked at him and he was smiling with tears running down his face I asked slightly panicked "hey you okay?" I gently rubbed both his shoulders and he nodded with a silent 'yeah' and then hugged me. We were standing there in front of the door for 10 minutes, cause he was so damn comfy!, until I kissed his soft hair and pulled away and said "now come on, or we'll both catch a cold." He nods and we both make our way inside the house.

Five POV:

When I got inside her house (cabin) looked around and it was just amazing like it's both vintage and modern in a natural homey feel atmosphere and there's a tiny hint of lavender in the air, then I said "nice place you got here, also is that smell lavender?" She smiles and said "a very good deduction Mr. Five" I smiled cause I know she's making a 'Sherlock' reference (a/n: Sherlock or any characters here ain't mine) I had a smug smile then I asked "so why are there lavenders?" She answered "well, as you know helps calm the nerves and can help people sleep." I nodded, we were walking to what looks like the living room with a big window behind the bed-couch which has an awesome view of the meadow by the way we passed another hallway and reached the kitchen/dining room with a flat screen tv, big wide table a bar/kitchen, a porch, also another great view of a small garden. "I wished I can see this everyday." She opens the box of donuts and makes both of us a hot coco drink with marshmallows and a bowl of frozen fruits, she offered me some and of course I thank her and get some, she then says "well you can go here anytime you want, just tell me, oh wait here" she gives me her landlines and her phone number, and I mumbled another 'thanks' while We stuff our face with food after we ate she gave me the whole tour inside the house, we were both making jokes until we reached the living room again. She said "wait here, I'll get the first aid kit" I just nodded and she went off to get the kit. I sit down and slouched a bit even the couch, pillows and blankets are comfortable but she's more comfy, I was snapped from my thoughts with her breathing gently at my neck and whispered "what's a guy like you thinking about?" She then took my hand and kissed it then I pulled her down in a cuddle and I looked into her eyes, our faces inches away, I whispered back to her "isn't the guy supposed to be the flirtatious one here?" I hug her tighter and I feel her shiver a bit, she smiles playfully and kissed me for a whole 10 seconds on the lips and pulled away which makes me show her a silly pouting face. She chuckled and answered "I really don't know, I guess you can say I just felt like it." She pulls away from my hug and sits next to me. I say "now then let's take a look the shall we?" First I checked her arms, I felt her quiver a bit so I asked "does it hurt here?" With a concerned face, she nodded "yeah, I'm just, not used to being touched" I nodded and kissed her shoulder "don't worry, I won't let anyone else touch you. After all you're mine and I don't like sharing... at all." She blushed and took my hand to her face, she snuggled against my hand and whispered a 'thank you' so I just nodded and continued treating some of her tiny scratches. I then reach her tummy after finishing checking her legs, I saw a big purple bruise and I felt my anger rising, I said aloud growling "how can they do this to you" she saw me getting angry and she took both my hands in her and said "Five, its okay, I'll be more careful I promise. So please don't be upset" I look at her eyes, I can see that there was no anger in her eyes only her beautiful kindness. I kissed her hands that was still held by her, I said "you're so god damn beautiful, I'm so lucky" I started to kiss her whole tummy and she kept giggling then I realized "you're quite ticklish, aren't you angel?" With a devilish smile on my face then she said "please don't" I said back to her " don't worry my angel I'll just use it next time." And with that we were done with her treatment she said to me "I'll take a shower first, okay?" I nodded and showered her with kisses, she laughed "I'm sweaty let me showeeeerrr." I let her go and she disappears to the bathroom. So I sat there and thought about her amazing body and how she's a bit too thin, I reminded myself to make sure we both eat well. I was then met with a Y/N wearing sweats, a oversized black t-shirt that says 'It was a great day' with a Mickey Mouse drawing at the back. I swear she makes my heart do backflips often. Then she gave me some of her clothes. I inspect them, sweats and another plain black shirt, they were both so fluffy I said "what's this for?" She said "I thought you want to take a shower first before sleeping cause your clothes look a bit dirty, but if you don't want to it's fine." She starts to turn away with the clothes and I suddenly hugged her from the back and hummed "I'll take a shower, thanks for the clothes angel." I kissed her cheek, she said pushing me to the bathroom "you're welcome, but you gotta shower first pretty boy." I laughed back "aww, fine I'll shower." She says "good. I'll be in the living room and we'll watch some movies." She puts her hand in my cheek and I lean in her touch, then I kiss her hand and closed the door. I then shouted "YES!" I heard her laugh a bit, shoot she heard me "don't worry bout me. I'm just- uh taking my clothes off" she laughed "sure." I hear her foot steps fading and I kept jumping up and down happily while saying 'YES!'. I can't believe it she's actually mine, finally, I'll never let her go.

I had to cut it short sorry guys.😔
Have a great day...👍

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