OH NO! Its Monday pt. 1... Chapter 7

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Just being the lunatic I am🤪
Five trying to shut Klaus up but he doesn't.😱
Y/N having a normal bad day again.😔
There are triggers at the bonus!
Without further ado let us begin...

Narrator POV:

The alarm went off and woke both Five and Y/N. Five turned off the alarm and turned around to see a little Y/N trying to go back to sleep, so Five being the amazing 😉 lover that he is did what he had to do "angel, come on you have to wake up. You have school remember." Y/N grumbled on Five's stomach "I don't wanna go, you're to comfyyyyyy." So Five began to pepper Y/N's face all the way to her collarbone with kisses, you started giggling and softly opening your eyes, holding Five's face in your small hands, you said kissing your lover dimpled cheek "thanks for waking me up." Five replied by kissing your lips, you smile as he licks your bottom lip for entrance, you part your lips and Five deepens the kiss further.

When you guys finished your little make up session Five starts to carry you in his arms to the kitchen to have your breakfast, which you prepared while he was hugging you from the back the whole time. After you love birds readied all your things, you started biking your way to the Hargreeves mansion...

Time skip (you have arrived at your destination.)

Five POV:

I got out of Y/N's bike, I looked at her and at my room's window and back at her. She then said "Five it's cold out here and it's still 6:05 am." She took my hands into hers and kissed them, I really don't want her to leave, what if she gets hurt or what if she never comes back, NO! NONONONO! I didn't even realize that I was staring at her beautiful beady eyes until she hugged me "Five it's only for a few hours, we'll be okay." I questioned While snuggling my face at the crook of her neck, she smells like flowers "see you at Griddy's?" She had a big smile at her face as she replied "you sure will." I started to remove the jacket she borrowed me, she said she didn't want me to get a cold before we left her house so she let me borrow it.

Y/N stopped me from removing the jacket, as she fixed it she told me "keep it. I wouldn't want my lover to catch a cold." I pecked her lips quickly and said "you can stay here for a while and I can just teleport you to school." She then just laughed and said "you should rest up for a while. Love you Five" she gave me a bento box and it had a small note that says 'open it when your hungry -Y/N'. I shook my head and laughed, how did I get so lucky. I stared at her one last time and said "I love you too Y/N. Take care okay?" She nodded as I spacial jumped to my room and she biked away, I thought to myself as I plop to my bed still wearing my angel's jacket 'what a great day it is indeed.' I drift off to sleep with the jacket's gigantic hood over my head while I tightly hug the bento box...

Time skip (Hargreeves breakfast time and maybe some eventful morning entertainment)

Vanya's POV:

I woke up and looked at the clock 'huh it's already 7:05 am, guess I better go down for breakfast'. As I went down the stairs I suddenly heard a loud noise 'what is it now? It's too early for too much stress Vanya, calm down'. I made it to the kitchen and to my surprise Diego was cooking breakfast and Klaus was already up, I said aloud "am I dreaming or is this real?" Klaus the said with a slurry smile "HI Vanya!" Diego just greeted me with a simple 'good morning', as I sat down Allison and Luther made their way to the table at the same time, Klaus sipped his coffee with a straight face and said "so how was the honeymoon?" Diego just suddenly laughed and I almost chocked on my water, Luther and Allison shouted at the same time "shut up Klaus!" Klaus suddenly had a big smile on his face and said "hey Diego how long did you sleep last night?" Diego faced us with a smile "Not. Even. A. Wink. How bout you Vanya?" I smiled and said "I thought there was an earthquake"

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