The Reason

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Jackson, Charlie, and I were now finishing eating breakfast in the kitchen. And I do have to say.... Jackson makes excellent pancakes and bacon! The pancakes were soft and fluffy and the bacon was crispy but not too crispy!

"Were you hungry?" Jackson asks with a smile, leaning on the kitchen counter.

I suddenly feel slightly embarrassed by how much I ate comparing to my size. Then again I don't remember the last time I ate!

"Leave her alone Jackson!" Charlie says giving him a slight push.

I smiled at her. To be honest I don't really know much about Charlie, then again I don't even really know much about Jackson! Jackson just seemed more gentle.

The two of them begin to mess with each other in a playful way. This made me wish even more that I had even one sibling. It was hard being an only child. I continued to sit cross-legged on the cool kitchen counter watching the two. Then suddenly the kitchen door flung open.

"I smell bacon!" Yelled a voice that I wasn't familiar with.

I felt startled and ran behind the salt and pepper shakers. I sat there for a couple seconds in fear trying to catch my breath but my curiosity took over me and I slightly peeked around the counter to see what happened.

"Morning dad!" Charlie said running over to the person who had now entered the kitchen.

"Morning dad" Jackson said continuing to clean up. "I made you and mom breakfast"

"Thank you Jackson" said the figure who I guess was their dad.

The man began to eat his breakfast while Charlie continued to talk to him.

"So where's mom?" Charlie asked with curiosity

"She should come in here any minute she said she just had to take care of something with work real quick" the man said.

Then at that moment the door opened again and a woman came threw.

"Thank you Jackson for making breakfast" the woman said giving Jackson a hug.

"Your welcome, you guys don't need to worry about this kinda stuff" Jackson said with a bit of pride.

"Sure...." Charlie says while messing with Jackson's hair.

"Will you quit!" He says back at her "you know I hate that!"

"That's why I'm doing it!" She says with a laugh

"So how's Brooklyn doing with everything?" Asks the women

"Speaking of Brooklyn where is she? Asks the man "I haven't done a proper introduction yet!"

Suddenly the man slams his fist on the counter but not too hard. I startles me though and I accidentally let out a slight squeak. The whole room goes quite and I can feel them all looking in my direction. I'm frozen in fear praying that I don't get lifted in the air. Then at that moment the salt shaker was lifted up in a split second and I was now being stared down. I was terrified. All the confidence I thought I had was now sucked out of my body. My muscles were completely frozen. I couldn't move I was so scared. The only thing that was moving in my body was the tears that I could feel forming in my eyes. I felt so embarrassed but that only made it worse. My panic attack was getting worse by the second. And then Charlie started talking in a soothing voice.

"Hey hey! Just breath in and out, like this" she said as she began to show me.

I was hesitant at first but then I found myself following her breathing. I felt so embarrassed that I could feel my cheeks turning red. I had a complete panic attack in front of the people who were taking care of me and this was my first impression on them! Great.

"We're extremely sorry for startling you" said the women.

"Yes we are, if I would have known that you were in here I wouldn't have done it" said the man.

"My name is Jennifer and this man right here is named Brian, we're Jackson and Charlie's parents" said the women.

"H-hi" I said.

I wasn't really sure what to say after what had just happened. We sat there for a couple of seconds then suddenly there was a knock on a door.

"Jackson go see who that is" said Jennifer.

Jackson walked out of the kitchen. We sat there again in silence until Jackson came back in.

"Hey mom, Officer Kurt is here" Jackson said.

Jennifer suddenly went wide eyed.

"Oh! Why don't you and Brooklyn go up to your rooms for a little" she said

Jackson walked over to me and payed his palm out. I still wasn't used to being held in a hand so I was hesitant at first. I stepped into Jackson's hand very slowly. He made sure not to make sudden movements but as soon as he began to walk I clung on to his finger. Once we were out of the kitchen I looked up at Jackson.

"Who's this Officer Kurt?" I asked

"Oh he's the one that found you" He said not making eye contact.

I began to think in my head. If he was the one that found me then he must be here with news about me! I knew I had to find out what they were talking about especially if it had to do with me.

"Jackson! I have to find out what their talking about!" I suddenly say

"I'm sorry Brooklyn but if mom didn't even want me there then I don't think so" he said walking into the room with the dollhouse.

He set me down right in front of the dollhouse.

"But Jackson!" I said

"No buts!" He said walking out of the room.

Then suddenly he shut the door to the room. I was angry. I had to know what they were talking about! I began to run across the room towards the door. The door didn't bother me because I noticed that I could slip out underneath it. Once I made it into the hallway I made sure Jackson wasn't anywhere near. That's when I began to sprint down the hall. I could hear them talking the closer I got to the end. I made it the top of the stairs and I noticed they were sitting in the common area right at the bottom of the stairs. I decided just to listen from here because there was no point in going down the steps.

"So what did you need to talk about?" Said Jennifer.

"Well I found some things about Brooklyn..." The voice that I guess was Officer Kurt's

"Well that's great news!" Said Brian

"Actually it's not.." said Officer Kurt

"Well what do you mean?" Asked Jennifer

"I ended up finding out why Brooklyn was kidnapped..." Officer Kurt said "I found out that she was sold.... by her uncle for money that he could use on alcohol..."

I stopped. That couldn't be true! Sure my uncle was an alcoholic but he would never do such a thing! Especially with my aunt!

"I also found out that her aunt ended up in the hospital due to her trying to commit suicide" Kurt stated.

That definitely couldn't be true! I thought as my heart began to race.

"Which means if you guys do find a way to get her back to her normal size..... she'll need to be out in foster care because she has no family left...." He said.

"Foster care". Those words kept repeating in my head. I didn't want to listen to their conversation anymore. My lungs began to hurt. 'I can't go into foster care!' I began I run back to the dollhouse. I just wanted to be alone.

3rd person

"Well there would be no need for foster care!" Said Brian "We're already thinking of her as one of our own!"

"Yes we want to be the guardians of Brooklyn" Jennifer said

"Ok!" Kurt said "Well I just thought that I should come and tell you what I found out! But anyways I must be getting back to my shift! Have a nice day!"

Hey guys! Tbh I'm not quite sure about this chapter.... I just wanted to have some info on Brooklyn but I'm not sure if I like it... tell me what you guys think of it!

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