5- Best Friends Forever

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George and Clay were thrown apart as a fireball hit their portal, disabling it and catching the ground on fire.

George looked into the red haze that was the sky of the Nether, seeing a large ghast preparing for another shot. It screeched as it blasted another fireball towards Clay.

"Look out!" George shouted, but Clay didn't move. Instead, he raised his sword over one shoulder and waited for the fireball to be within range. Once it came close enough, he swung his sword against it, propelling it back towards the ghast.

The ghast puffed out of existence as it got a taste of its own medicine. George couldn't help dropping his jaw at the skill such a shot required.

Clay raised his arms in celebration. "And the crowd goes wild! Home run!" He began running towards George, who was thoroughly confused. "Clay! Clay!" He chanted his own name.

George couldn't help but smile at the antics of the other. "What?" Clay began running in a circle around him.

"He's rounding first-"

"Stop," George laughed.

Clay continued running around George, who was spinning in a circle to watch him. "Second, third base-"

George shook his head as Clay ran full speed towards the portal, dropping and sliding over the last few blocks. "Clay-"

"And he slides home!" Clay remained on his back, pumping a fist in victory. "He's just won the game!"

George walked towards him, standing over his grinning face. "What are you doing?"

Clay stretched out so he took up the entire length of the portal, resting his head on his arms. "Mm, basking in my victory, what are you doing?"

Rolling his eyes, George pulled the flint and steel out of his inventory. "Trying to get out of here before another ghast shows up." He kicked Clay's legs. "Scoot over so I can light the portal."

"Fine," Clay said, massaging where George had kicked him. "But only if you hold my hand again."

George blushed and angled his face away, trying to compose himself before answering.

"I don't know Clay, don't you think that's a bit forward?" He looked back at Clay, who had a dismayed look on his face. George snickered. "Risqué?" He added. When the distressed expression didn't leave Clay's face, George laughed. "I'm joking. Now move."

Clay got out of the portal frame and waited for George to light it before taking his hand again. The two stepped through the portal without any incident this time.

George thought he would feel relieved once he was back in the overworld, but if anything, he felt even more uneasy than before. For one, they were still in an enclosed space full of lava. But what bothered George the most was remembering what had happened there with Dream.

George pulled his hand away from Clay, feeling guilty. It wasn't Clay's fault that every time George looked at him he remembered those few terrible minutes. Nonetheless, George didn't want anyone to touch him at the moment.

"Let's get out of this cave," Clay suggested, seeming to notice how upset George was getting.

They made their way around the lava to the entrance of the chamber, staring at the unrecognizable pathways ahead of them.

"Well?" George asked when Clay stopped.

"Well what?" Clay gestured to the diverging tunnels in front of them. "Lead the way." George racked his brain, searching for the memory of which way he had came.

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