[*29*]- The Story Of Luke Castellan

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I guess you could say it all started when Luke was born.

His father wasn't there, as he didn't have a care for the boy until he had reached a certain age.

His mother though was also mentally ill, diagnosed with Bi-Polar and depression, had severe anxiety attacks and was in the mental hospital frequently.

Poor Luke.

He was a pretty baby though, blonde hair and bright, shining blue eyes. Like the morning sky.

His mother looked down at him fondly, very unaware that she had birthed a killer, a murderer. He would destroy lives and she had no idea. No one did.

No one knew that Lukas Hermes Castellan would become Kronos's Lieutenant and a serial killer. He would kill and destroy. All because of his childhood.

Now follow me through the horrendous childhood Lukas H. Castellan.

Luke was nine when he escape his house. He had promised his mom he would be back for lunch. He returned the day he turned eighteen. For lunch.

Luke struggled through school. He was a smart boy, capable of going to college and becoming a good man. But instead he threw that away for fights at recess, stealing lunch money from the first graders and being expelled from several elementary schools.

Luke hated being home. Home was where his mom was. He hid himself in the closet when she had one of her spells. When she came out of her shaking, gasping spell she would take him to Sonic and get his favorite meal. But it wasn't nearly enough. He had witnessed his mother hurting herself. Punching the walls, crying beyond belief. And when she was suddenly happy go lucky, it was even more frightening. She could have switched to her more depressing moods when they drove, and they could crash into a ditch and die.

Luke never really had a childhood.

When he ran away and met Thalia he was sure his life would get better. They scrounged the streets for food, supplies and made their way across the country. When they met little Annabeth he promised to them, the first promise he had ever made, that they would be a family.

They where a family.

When they where adopted by Chiron and sent back to get an education Luke was actually exited. Excited to start again, start anew

But the demons that lurked inside didn't help.

When they graduated high school, Luke went back to his mother's house for lunch. And he promptly killed her. Ended her misery.

Luke simply gave her too many pain meds and her life ended swiftly. He tried to go and start college, cheated on Thalia, but he failed.

If he had only tried.

Later he was recruited by Kronos.

And thus began an act of pure evil. He was Kronos's dirty hand, the one who did all the behind the scenes work. And when Kronos tasked him with the assassination of Thalia Grace he didn't hesitate.

But his mother and Thalia were not the only blood on his hands. There was an accountant for Olympus. Shot dead. A salesman for his fathers company, fell off his boat. A biologist for Demeter, fatal knife wound.

All acts Luke had done to gain his masters trust. When Luke was little he wasn't fond of hurting animals or even plants. But things had changed over the years. His mothers declining health, him running away, him breaking Thalias heart.

Luke was a monster he had created himself.

But the one mistake he will always regret is hurting Annies heart. She was his best friend, his rock. She didn't know that. She didn't know that. She had fallen for that singer and he had shattered her heart. It was Lukes fault. He should have driven her away when he had the chance. He should have protected her.

He promised her family and he failed to deliver. He missed being Annies best friend. Now he was a ruthless serial killer and Annabeth couldn't have him more. Now that he had imprisoned Calypso on a deserted island off the coast of San Diego, she would never forgive him. Ever.

He was a monster.

Luke had never really had a family. Not really. His mother was a depressed monkey, he had only met his deadbeat of a father once and he destroyed his chances with Thalia and Annabeth.

Lukas Hermes Castellan would never have a family to go home to.

And that's why he is what he is. He never felt empathy, never saw sadness in death. Never saw pain.

Luke may have many followers in Kronos, but in truth, Luke was utterly alone.

And he always would be

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