[*25*] The Taking Part 1

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The Taking

Part 1

5:45 am

Los Angeles California.

Exactly seven hours before the taking

Third Person

"Thanks so much Callie." Nico said as he dropped off a stunning Calypso at her house. Calypso nodded and smiled.

"Of course Nico, anything for you and Willy Will." Calypso giggled and Nico blushed deeply red, his cheeks pink. He smiled a little too, he liked Calypso around them, she brought out the best in Will, his nosy, noisy husband. The adoption process sucked.

"Well, see you next week." Nico smiled and drove off. They had dropped off Calypso on their way up to Sacremento get fully certified as foster parents. There was this little girl, about three years old they where looking to foster.

They deserved it. Calypso headed inside and plopped on the couch, too eager and awake to go back to sleep. She flicked on a Tv show and watched some shows and brought out a breakfast burrito.  She curled up in a blanket and waited under Annabeth woke up. She was surprised that Hazel hadn't stayed over or that Piper wasn't home from the hospital. Today was Monday though,  the flower shop would be open and Callie would work her normal shift. Annabeth would go to one of the Olympus offices and check out her locations across the States. There where 129 bookstore locations, at least two in every state, even Alaska and Hawaii.

So Callie dressed in jeans and a causal dress shirt. At eight thirty she was getting ready to leave the house, Annabeth came down, dressed and ready to leave for the Olympus office.

"Ready for today?" I grinned and Annabeth rolled her eyes.

"Nope, exact opposite. I have to deal with all the financial crap, Zeus's dumb ideas and my thick headed assistant. On top of that, we're out of seaweed." Annabeth groaned and Callie patted her shoulder sympathetically.

"I'll pick some up on my lunch break. Gotta go Annie and whittle baby." Callie looked at Annabeths growing stomache and headed out, jumping in her yellow Jeep and diving off. Callie didn't know. She didn't know anything. She knew her father was powerful, she knew all of her loyal customers, she knew that her father made enemies, she knew Nicos favorite tulips.

She knew few things but those few things meant the choice between dying or being slave for Kronos. But she wouldn't be taken for another few hours.

For two hours Callie sat behind the counter taking orders for flowers and garden decorations. One women bought three vases of yellow tulips, another bought enough cornflowers to fill a small field. Business as of late was booming, maybe because most of the public now knew she lived with Annabeth Chase and knew Perseus Jackson as friends.

For another two hours Callie swept the back room, cleaned the messy array of flowers spilt onto the concrete. Her friend Miranda helped around the shop, but it was mostly her and Piper doing the work. But Piper was doing another round of radiation chemo.

Poor, poor Piper. She deserved so much better in this life.

Just ten minutes before her lunch break she was digging around in the closet of the storage room Callie stumbled across an old photo, maybe two or three years old. It was her and Leo, his curly hair askew and her hair in a pony tail. They where holding hands, a bright smile on their faces. What sucked about their secret relationship is that she couldn't talk about the pain when they broke up. She had found other feelings for another man and left Leo. But she felt just as much pain as he did. Just as much pain. They where friends again, but she didn't want anymore. She wanted to be friends. Nothing more.

But she always felt those indescribable feelings for him. That scrawny little elf she loved. She had loved.

Not so much anymore. But she was like Annabeth, she didn't want to admit her feelings, admit that she still had a heartbeat when they came around. When they spoke or even walked in a room. She felt those feelings for Leo.

She had heard about Annabeths and Percys encounter yesterday. They where still in love her denying everything step of it. Percy has admitted that he hadn't stopped loving her. But stubborn Annabeth was independent, she wanted to prove the world that she didn't need him, yet she did. He made her happier, lighter, more aware of what she should be grateful for. She and Piper had realaized this. Annabeth and Percy were meant for each other. They where soul bound. Callie wished that she and Leo where like that.

It was her hour long lunch break. Miranda would handle it, while Callie went to go buy Annabeth some seaweed. She grabbed her purse and walked downtown LA. There was not really a downtown LA but it was close to something.

As she turned corner she stopped for the stoplight, watching the cars go by. Knowing LA traffic she would be here for another few minutes.

She didn't notice, and when she did it was too late, a white van speed up, no license plate, and black tinted windows so you couldn't see the faces inside.

The car skidded to a stop just a few feet from Callie. She jumped back and pressed herself against the wall of the building behind her. Most people didn't notice and carried on. Callie had seen to many movies to not know what this was.

Four men in dark suits and sunglasses hopped out of the van, one had a rope, one had a needle and another had a mask that would cover anyone's whole face.

And they made their way towards Callie, smooth, too fast for her to react. Before she knew it a bag was thrown over her head, she was shoved into the van and a needle was injected into her skin. She felt herself go drowsy and her heart pump slower than it did before.

"Don't struggle and we won't kill you." And the voice was gruff, deep but it sounded familiar. She knew that voice. She had heard it many times before. Many times.


This was because of her father.

But she couldn't think much more, whatever they had put in her had been making its effect. She felt everything spin, she couldn't see a thing and she slumped on the floor of the van, the hum of the engine lulling her to sleep, she fought it. She wouldn't go down like this. She would fight.

But she couldn't fight the strong drug that overtook her system. She couldn't fight it.

So she let the darkness overtake her. She closed her eyes and fell into a dreamless sleep.

Several Hours Later

"Where am I?"

"You'll see." Luke said and Calypso growled. She had been awake for only a minute, they had untied her hood but rope was bound on her arms and legs.

"Why do you need my father for your demonic cult?"

"Not a cult Moonlace, and your father alligaince is the first step towards world domination."

"Sounds just like a demonic cult there Castellan."

"How is that a demonic cult?"

"You want Satan to dance with you so you can destroy everything while you gain his trust."

"I never thought of it that way. Just stay quiet and they won't kill you." Luke said and walked over to loosen her bonds, they where still tight but she could move her hands a little freely, enough to brush her hair out of her face and scratch her arms, maybe he wasn't so evil after all.

"Whatever." Calypso sigh and hung her head.

What was she going to do in this situation?

Healing (Sequel to My One & Only and A Distant Love) Percabeth AUWhere stories live. Discover now