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Mal doesn't even realize she's been nearly face-palming herself for an entire hour until her work phone rang. Scratch that, it's her other work phone, the one for her photography business. She sighs, answering the call.

"Hey, this is Mal Moors how can I help you?" She asks, swiveling her chair as she waited for a reply, "Hello! Just to confirm, I called the correct number, right? You do photography?" The voice from the other end of the line squeaks out, Mal hums, "Yep."

She could hear the woman sigh from the other end of the line, "In that case, when are you available? Are there any spots for this month?" She asks, Mal then checks her journal, scanning through the calendar, "I'm free this month. Quick question, though, you're asking for a photoshoot, right? Can I get the details, when you want it, what type of shots, you know."

"Oh! Right, I'm sorry. It's for CDV Tech here in LA, it's for an interview, the boss says he didn't like the shots the magazine sent him so he asked for another photographer. Would it be alright if you could do it tomorrow?"

Mal stares at the wall, finally stopping her chair, "Sure. Where would you like to have the shoot?" She asks, a little suspicious over this whole phone call, "In his office. I'd just have to send the address by email, if that's okay."

Mal nods, listing down 'CDV Shoot' on her schedule as the girl waited for her answer, "Yeah, sure. What time can I arrive?" She asks, back again to swiveling around, "Lunch would be fine."

Mal mutters an 'Alright' before hanging up, already walking over to her bags of equipment, muttering an incantation to shrink it down.

She checks her clock, eight forty seven it says. She then stares at her bed, go to sleep it says.

Uma was still in the kitchen, already washing off Audrey's number right after taking a picture of it, writing it down, encoding it to her laptop and phone, printing a copy of the photo and saving it. A little obsessed, maybe, but hey, since when does your happily ever restarting become normal?

Gil and Jay watch her, all smiles and skippy while she was cooking, even dancing a little while mixing the ingredients. "Did you kill someone?" Gil asks as Uma looks up from what she was doing, the smile never fading from her face.

"No. Come on, join me!" She exclaims, way too joyously. That it freaked the living daylights out of Jay.

They all squeeze in the kitchen, Gil giving Uma a helping hand as they created their calamari, Jay was just watching them, leaning on the counter as he squints at Uma.

"Something is definitely up with you. Did you have sex?" Jay asks as the witch glares at him, "No, better."

Gil met Jay's eyes, confusion and worry drawn on his face as Uma begins whistling a tune. A happy tune. Uma doesn't do happy tunes.

"Okay, that's it. What's up?" Gil asks, stopping what he was doing as he stares at Uma.

The girl just beams up at them, her blinding smile not even faltering for a single bit as she pulled out her phone. "I had coffee today."

Jay furrows his eyebrows yet again, "Are you so sad that you think having coffee is better than sex?" He asks, that's when the daughter of Ursula smirked.

"I wasn't alone." She adds, her smirk growing a little more wider, "Were you with a client? Did you finally get Billie to collaborate with you?" Gil guesses, Uma shakes her head, finally showing them the photo of Audrey she sneakily took when they were having coffee together.

The two blink rapidly, taking her phone to get a closer look. "Is that...?" Jay trails off, tearing his gaze away from the phone to face Uma, "Audrey Rose Mountbatten? Yeah, right in the flesh."

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