• IX •

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"Hide the screens!" Chad frantically yells as he enters the dining hall, just seeing Evie and Mal arrive at the castle. They all scrambled to their feet, each taking down a screen while Carlos lets his drone fly inside and keeping it. 

Were they stalking them? Maybe. Were they following them with a drone? Who knows. Were they guilty? Yes. Absolutely. A hundred percent. 

They all sit on the table, already passing on food when the two enter, both sporting looks of confusion and hunger as the smell wafts past through them. 

"You were supposed to start without us?" Evie asks, a little offended as their friends begin to stammer, both took a seat, just across from each other as their friends apologize. 

It was all going normally, the twelve of them conversing with each other like nothing happened the past seven years. Acting like no one left, like no one ever got heartbroken, you know, the bad stuff. 

"So, I heard that Outlast will finally have a movie." Chad smirks, making Mal look at Carlos, "You told them?" She asks, a little shocked but not really, I mean, they're geeks, they're bound to talk about it. 

"Mal, your numb ass was the only one who didn't even flinch while playing that. Of course we're bound to talk about the one game that gave us nightmares." Jay answers, rolling his eyes as the others nod in agreement. 

"Remember when we played 2K20 and Jay used to suck?" Lonnie asks, making the others laugh, "Yeah, now who's the one with the high rating? Me." He smirks cockily, leaning back to take a sip of his soda. 

"You know, we never really got answers to how the eight of you left without a trace." Ben says slowly, not wanting to offend or get someone hurt emotionally, it was just a question that's been bugging him all day. What better time to ask them when they're together?

They all stare at each other uneasily, Mal clearing her throat and picking up her glass, "I, uh, I actually got back here, remember? I was looking for, eh, someone, and they weren't here so I left. I went to New York since I had an offer from Midtown." She answers before taking a sip. 

"Well, I left for Los Angeles since uh, someone left. Found no purpose to stay here." Evie responds, her eyes not meeting Mal's. That's when the fairy scoffs, "You leaving was unnecessary." 

And as if everything, every pain, anger and bitterness returned to the two of them as Evie glares at her, clenching her jaw, "And you leaving was? Please, you leaving Auradon was useless." She retorts, cocking her head to the side and smirking as Mal leans over the table. 

"Oh really? So you think leaving Auradon impulsively was the choice? That it was the best decision?" She asks, her own smirk toying on her lips as Evie begins to growl, "No one would've left if you didn't leave us in the first place." 

Mal then scoffs, "So I'm the reason why our friend group broke?" She asks, leaning closer to Evie as the girl hums, "I don't see a reason why you weren't." She sneers, making Mal scowl at her, "Shut the hell up." She mutters, her intense glare never leaving the blue haired princess, "Make me."

That was the final thing any of the two said, the tension now visible to everyone. Carlos begins sweating, tapping his hands furiously on the table, telling everyone, with the exception of Mal and Evie because those two never wanted to learn morse anyway, this; "I fucking thought they were alright?"

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