broken hearts club ➩ janiel

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warnings: none


"im the newest member

of the broken hearts club,

we hate every little thing about

the people that we love,

we're the let-down, we're the lied-to,

where the lost go and it finds you,

where the lonely make the lonely feel less lonely,

and we're dying to, invite you to stay

and take away the pain.

cause misery loves company, so hey,

what do you say?"

jack sighed as he exited his car, making his way inside the building. he didn't understand why he was still coming to this small group once a week. it's not like he was enjoying it, although he didn't exactly hate it either.

the building was a small, aged-school, the club members met in the basement, where the "meeting" is. it was held on every saturday, and you didn't have to come. it was optional, but once you make your first appearance, you're considered a member.

it was a pretty secretive thing. it wasn't open-advertised, the only way to hear about it is if someone invites you. jack was invited by a kid that goes to his school. his name was daniel.

they weren't friends before this, and jack wouldn't consider them friends now, but, whenever they're both there, they sit next to each other. they don't necessarily talk, they just sit. and enjoy each other's company.

as jack entered the basement, his eyes caught daniels. the older boy smiled, though jack didn't catch it. jack took his seat next to him.

the "meeting" lasts for roughly an hour and a half, depending on who talks and/or how many people show up. after the group leader, mark, talks for a few moments, the members have a chance to talk.

the whole thing is sort of like a vent/therapy place, except its free. you can share, people can comment. though, jack never talked during them. he didn't even pay much attention to anyone or their words.

instead, like a few others, he just went and thought about the person who broke him. he tried his best to not think about corbyn during the week. if he did, it was because he was drunk- or high. so every saturday, for the past month, he's- tried to- only think about him at the club.

the meeting started, and jack's thoughts, or memories, immediately started flooding his head.

"no jack, i don't need you anymore. why can't you get that through your head?"

"no- no we can get through this, corbyn it doesn't have to be like this. i-i can fix this-"

"you can't fix this anymore! just leave jack, please don't make this any harder than it already is," corbyn rubbed his hand over his mouth as he broke eye contact with trembling boy.

"we're done. get out of my house jack."

daniel noticed how jack tensed in his seat. he saw his hands gripping the sides of the chair, his knuckles turning white. it seemed as though jack was in a daydream, the blank stare on his face giving it away. tears started swelling in jack's eyes.

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