help ➩ zonah

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TW; mentions and actions of eating disorders, actions of physical abuse
if you're sensitive to any of the things mentioned above, i don't recommend reading this.
i love you all <3


the car driven by jonah was currently racing down the road. the boy in the passenger's seat, zach, had his arms crossed and his gaze was stuck out the window. even though the two had been together for 2 years, recently it had been as though they barely even knew each other. 

zach had been going through some current problems with himself, he was doing some things that jonah did not like. skipping meals was the biggest problem as of right now. there were some other minor things, but those weren't jonah's biggest concern. 

jonah had zach for two years, and there was no way in hell he was going to lose him now, not over some basic stuff like not eating dinner. he wouldn't allow it. he didn't think it was fair, not in the slightest. so for the past few weeks, jonah was literally forcing food down zach's throat, it was the only way the younger was going to get any food. what jonah didn't know was that zach would just throw it up when he wasn't paying attention. so, jonah's forcing wasn't doing any good for zach, if anything, just making it worse. 

and as if forcing him to eat wasn't enough jonah had been taking zach out in public to eat. like, restaurants and stuff. and, well zach didn't like that. 

they were currently on their way to starbucks. jonah planned on ordering them both a coffee and something small to eat. then they would sit inside and enjoy their things. 

zach had other things planned himself. he was going to order a water and- okay, his plan was to just order a water. jonah would just have to deal with it, it's his fault for bringing them into public in the first place. 

jonah stepped on the brakes after pulling into a parking space right in front of the building. he didn't even look at zach or say anything to him, just parked and got out of the car and waited for zach to get out. 

for a moment, zach had the idea of refusing to get out of the car, you know, so they would just have to go home. in the end, he decided against it. he didn't want to make things worse. 

he shoved his hands in his pockets, making jonah open the door for them both and they went inside. zach felt jonah's muscular arm wrap around his small waist. 

the eldest led zach to the counter, keeping him close to himself.

"welcome to starbucks, i'm daniel, how may i help you?"

when he looked at him, zach's cheeks couldn't help but redden, this daniel guy was hot..

"i'll have a venti iced caramel coffee and a cheese danish," jonah's arm tightened around zach's waist and he glanced down at him, "what would you like, baby?"

zach felt his stomach churn, his body burning against jonah's hold. he looked at daniel, making eye-contact which he soon regretted he did. to put it simply, zach was very socially awkward. 

"uh, a small water is fine," immediately zach felt jonah's fingers tighten in his side. zach clenched his jaw. 

"is th-" daniel was cut off short because jonah interrupted him, "no babe, what kind of coffee do you want? and pick out something to eat, i'm treating," jonah gave a believing smile to daniel, trying to make the situation not seem as tense as both zach and jonah knew it was.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2020 ⏰

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